February 6, 2008
Prepared by Arpita Mathur & Gunjan Singh
Professor Ali A. Jalali: Afghanistan: The Struggle to Regain Momentum
Seth G. Jones: Taking Stock of the Afghan Conflict
C. Christine Fair: Impact of the GWOT upon Talibanisation and Militancy in Pakistan
Anita Inder Singh: Reconstructing Afghanistan After the Overthrow of the Taliban
Rasul Bakhsh Rais: The Future of Afghanistan: A Perspective from Pakistan
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza : What Ails the Afghan Long Term Stabilization Effort?
Discussant 1: Thomas Marks
Discussant 2:Vishal Chandra
Ali A. Jalali:
Christine Fair
Anita Inder Singh
Seth Jones
Rasul Baksh Rais
Shantie Mariet D’Souza