Compiled by: Monalisa Joshi
India signed the Chemical Weapons Convention January 14, 1993 and ratified the convention on September 2, 1996.
In June 1997 India amended its previous statement of non-possession and declared that it, indeed, had a chemical weapons stockpile. India is reportedly in the process of destroying these weapons, in accordance with its obligations to the CWC.
A National Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention in accordance with the provisions of the CWC has been established. This organisation is responsible for raising awareness in the country’s chemical industry by holding seminars and workshops.
Afghanistan signed the CWC on January 14, 1993 and ratified it on October 24, 2003. A National Authority in compliance with the provisions of CWC has been established. The US Department of State found that toxin weapons (Yellow Rain) had been used in Afghanistan in the 1970s, though questions regarding use, agent composition and responsibility still remain to be unanswered.
Bangladesh signed the Convention on January 14, 1993 and ratified it on April 25, 1997. It has designated a national authority that looks after the implementation of CWC within the country.
Bhutan deposited its instrument of ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention on August 18, 2005. It had signed the treaty on April 23, 1997. The Kingdom of Bhutan has designated the Legal and Treaties Division, Department of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as its National Authority.
At the time it ratified the Convention in 1997, China had declared that it once operated a small chemical weapons programme for offensive purposes. It has consistently maintained that the programme has since been dismantled. China signed the convention on January 13, 1993 and ratified it on April 25, 1997. China also houses large quantities of abandoned chemical weapons (ACW), left behind by the Japanese Army after World War II. China has established a National Authority to implement the CWC in the country.
Maldives signed the convention on October 1, 1993 and ratified it on May 31, 1994. A National Authority is in place to implement the provisions of the CWC.
Myanmar is the only country in South Asia that has not ratified the CWC, though it had signed the convention on January 14, 1993.
Nepal signed the CWC on January 19, 1993 and ratified it on November 18, 1997. A National Authority is in place in compliance with the CWC.
Pakistan signed the CWC on January 13, 1993 and ratified it on October 28, 1997. The status and extent of its chemical weapons programme is not publicly known. It has a National Authority in place to implement the provisions of the Convention. In October 2003, the country was re-elected to the OPCW’s Executive Council, a seat which it has continuously held since 1999.
Sri Lanka signed the CWC on January 14, 1993 and ratified it on August 19, 1994. It has established a National Authority to implement the CWC in the country.