Q.1231 Indo-Pak discussion in Islamabad

Type: Parliament Questions and Answers

TO BE ANSWERED ON 05.08.2010


Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Minister has recently visited Pakistan and held discussion with his counterpart and other leaders at Islamabad;
(b) if so, the details of points on which discussions were held and outcome thereof;
(c) whether differences on many issues still exist between both the countries inspite of discussions; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?


(a) to (d) External Affairs Minister (EAM) met the Foreign Minister of Pakistan (PFM) on July 15, 2010 in Islamabad. The Ministers reviewed the current state of bilateral relations and discussed steps to promote trust and confidence. EAM conveyed our core concerns on terrorism. PFM assured that the Government of Pakistan will do everything in its power to fulfill the commitment given by Pakistan of not allowing its territory to be used for terrorism against India. He also assured that the investigation in the Mumbai terrorist attack case, taking into account the additional information coming out the recent interrogation of David Coleman Headley and provided by our Home Minister during his visit to Pakistan in June 2010, could be pursued vigorously to unravel the full conspiracy and bring all the perpetrators of that horrific crime to justice.

As part of a step-by-step, graduated and forward-looking approach to expanding dialogue to cover all issues of mutual interest and concern, EAM expressed our willingness to have further interaction on pressing humanitarian issues, particularly early release and repatriation of prisoners and fishermen in jails in both countries; promotion of trade and commerce; streamlining and strengthening cross-LOC Confidence Building Measures for the welfare of the people of Jammu and Kashmir; and greater people-to-people contacts/friendly exchanges.

The detailed and frank discussions held during the visit enabled both the countries to develop a better understanding of each others’ position and point of view on various issues. Despite differences of opinion on the way forward on a few issues, there was a broad understanding on a number of other issues. The two sides decided to remain engaged and carry forward the discussions. PFM accepted EAM’s invitation to visit Delhi at a suitable date to be decided through diplomatic channels. During the visit, EAM also called on President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani on July 16, 2010.


Rajya Sabha

South Asia