Q. No. 4544 Helicopter manufacturing unit at Bidar, Karnataka

Parliament Questions and Answers

Rajya Sabha
ANSWERED ON 08.05.2013

Question: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to satate :-

(a) whether any helicopter manufacturing unit is running at Bidar district of Karnataka under the Ministry;

(b) whether Karnataka Government has made any proposal for this project of Bidar district; and

(c) if so, the details of progress made, and by when it will be started?

Answer: Minister of Defence (Shri A.K. Antony)

(a) No, Sir.

(b) & (c): Yes, Sir. Government of Karnataka has offered 1060 acres of Government Land in Bidar District to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), to set up Helicopter Manufacturing Unit. HAL is presently exploring the possibility of acquiring suitable Defence Land for setting up Production Division for Helicopters.


Defence Economics & Industry