Q. No. 4546 Modernization of naval vessels

Parliament Questions and Answers

Rajya Sabha
ANSWERED ON 08.05.2013

Question: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to satate :-

(a) whether naval vessels are fully equipped with modern warfare Equipment, to defend our maritime frontiers in high seas, keeping in view the fast changing technology scenario to sustain the Nation’s defence mobility capabilities to withstand the onslaught of any sudden eventuality;

(b) whether our Defence Shipyards located in west and east coasts, have embarked upon expansion and modernization plans;

(c) if so, whether they are able to meet the increasing demands of Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guards, etc.; and

(d) the percentage of budgetary allocations for Research and Development activities in our Ship Building yards for on-going and launching of new systemized and planned modernisation, aiming at creating new facilities and infrastructure?

Answer: Minister of Defence (Shri A.K. Antony)

(a) Yes, Sir. Modernisation of the Indian Navy is an ongoing process keeping in view the prevailing security environment, threat perceptions, emerging technologies and capabilities to be achieved.

(b) & (c): Our Defence Shipyard with both on the east and west coast have taken up modernisation and with appropriate collaboration are able to meet the increasing demands of Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guards etc.

(d) Budgetary allocations in 2010-11, 2011-12 and 12th plan for research and Development activities in our Ship Building Yards for ongoing and launching of new systemised and planned modernisation, aiming at creating new facilities and infrastructure, are indicated against each yard respectively:

MDL:- (21.89 Crore, 35.78 Crore and 396.2 Crore)

GRSE:- (2.28 Crore, 0.26 Crore and 153.05 Crore)
GSL:- (3.05 Crore, 5.53 Crore and 460 Crore)
HSL:- (1.00 Crore, 7.80 Crore and 507.36 Crore).


Defence Economics & Industry