Reply: Refer to the following publications on the subject by IDSA faculty: India’s Defence Industry Base by Rajiv Nayan in Defence & Security Alert, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/system/files/DIB_Nayan.pdf A Critique of MoD’s Joint Venture Guidelines by Laxman K. Behera, athttp://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/ACritiqueofMoDsJointVentureGuidelines_lkbehe… Private Sector Participation in Defence Production: Industrial Licensing and FDI Issues by Laxman K. Behera, athttp://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/PrivateSectorParticipationinDefenceProdu… Public Private Partnership In Procurement Practices by Venu Gopal, athttp://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/PrivatePartnershipinProcurementPractices_vgo… Will Indian Defence Private Sector Deliver with Recent Policy Changes? by Narinder Gupta, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/WillIndianDefencePrivateSectorDeliverwithRec…
Year: 01-01-1970
Topics: Defence