Indigenous Historical Knowledge: Kautilya and His Vocabulary (Volume III)

P. K. Gautam
Consultant Email:  pkgautam2003[a]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in Phone:  +91 11 2671 7983 Archive data: Person was Consultant at IDSA A veteran of 1971 Indo-Pakistan War in Bangladesh and Operation Meghdoot (Siachen glacier) and a… Continue reading Indigenous Historical Knowledge: Kautilya and His Vocabulary (Volume III) read more
Saurabh Mishra
Archive data: Person was Research Assistant at IDSA Saurabh Mishra is a Research Assistant at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses since February 2011. He has done his Ph.D.… Continue reading Indigenous Historical Knowledge: Kautilya and His Vocabulary (Volume III) read more
Arvind Gupta
Dr Arvind Gupta was Director General of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) from January 05, 2012 to August 07, 2014. He holds a PhD in International Relations… Continue reading Indigenous Historical Knowledge: Kautilya and His Vocabulary (Volume III) read more
Publisher: Pentagon Press
ISBN 978-81-8274-909-2
Price: ₹. 795Purchase Download E-copy

About the Book

This book is the third in a series of three volumes on “Kautilya and His Vocabulary” as a part of the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge” project undertaken by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. The edited volumes contain select papers presented in a series of workshops, national and international seminars organised by the Institute. The project is an attempt to trace, look into, analyse and relate with the indigenous strategic thinking in India. These volumes aim at initiating the study, internalisation, spread and consolidation of Kautilya’s Arthashastra in the strategic domain. The four focus themes in the three volumes are foreign policy, intelligence, war and internal security as they relate to contemporary times.



About the Contributors

Welcome Remarks by Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director General(DG) IDSA

Keynote Address by Shri Shivshankar Menon,National Security Adviser

    PART I

  1. Economy, Ecology, and National Defence in Kautilya’s Arthasastra
    Patrick Olivelle
  2. Non-Aggression Pacts and Strategic Partnerships in Kautilyan Foreign Policy
    Mark McClish
  3. Statecraft and Intelligence Analysis in the Kautilya-Arthasastra
    Michael Liebig
  4. The Army: Then and Now
    Pradeep Kumar Gautam
  5. PART II

  6. Strategic Culture in South Asia: Kautilyan Sempiternity
    Rashed Uz Zaman
  7. Bargaining and Negotiation Analysis: Lessons from Arthashastra
    Medha Bisht
  8. Does Indian IR have a History? Mapping Articulations of Justice and Stability in the Arthashastra and Akhlaq Traditions
    Jayashree Vivekanandan
  9. Kautilya on Far-sight, Foresight and Freedom
    Balbir Singh Sihag

Annexure I
Annexure II

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Other books in Indigenous Historical Knowledge Series