India-China Riparian Relations: Of Reality and Rationality

July 30, 2018

Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Uttam Sinha’s article on India’s riparian relations with China, titled ‘India-China Riparian Relations: Of Reality and Rationality; was published in Journal of the United Service Institution of India (USI), Vol. CXLVIII, No. 612, April-June 2018.

The article studies India’s exceptional and critical riparian relations with China. The geographical reality of China being the upper riparian cannot be changed, but India’s lower riparian position does not necessarily mean acute disadvantage. China in recent years has changed the narrative of engagement with greater strategic partnership including the OBOR and Maritime Silk Road as well as deep economic ties and investment. India’s strategic and policy initiatives on the subject of Brahmaputra has to be carefully balanced between pursuing a ‘water dialogue’ with China and an emphasis on ‘basin approach’ with Bangladesh and Bhutan on the Brahmaputra, analyses the author.

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