Administrative & Notice

Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) for Audio Visual System Installed at various locations at MP-IDSA

Submission Date Extended to July 14, 2023 | 1400 Hrs

Download Tender Document [PDF]

Tender for Improvement/Modification of Plinth and Allied Work on Outer Side Wall of Basement [Last Date: 27 June 2023]

E-Tender Notice for “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of CCTV Camera and other accessories required for Expansion of Existing CCTV Surveillance System” [Last Date: 12 June 2023]

Quotation for Miscellaneous Civil Work at Foyer Area [Last Date: 15 May 2023 | 1500 hrs]

The Submission Date for the Quotation has been Extended to 15th May 2023 by 1500 hrs.

Download Tender Document [+]

Quotations for Rate Contracts of Flex Banners [Last: 28 April 2023]