Annual Conferences

Asian Security Conference

The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi which is organized in early spring each year. Since 1999 when the conference was first held, it has become an important forum for debating issues relating to Asian Security. The ASC provides an opportunity for policy makers, scholars and security analysts, both from India and abroad, to share their views on the security challenges facing the continent.

The contemporary strategic context is increasingly defined by the rapid growth of major Asian economies and the rapidly increasing interest the major powers are evincing in the region. It has also resulted in a perceptible shift in power to the Asian continent. While the emerging power shift is full of promise and opportunities, there are important concerns that cannot be ignored. Asia’s statesmen face a variety of challenges, which, if ignored or viewed with less concern, could lead to further instability and insecurity in the region. In this backdrop the ASC looks at various emerging trends and changes in the Asian security context and forms a platform for discussion and debate. The ASC serves as the best available vehicle in the Asian region for developing and channeling astute and effective public policy on defence and security. It can also be regarded as an important academic platform for scholars to discuss new ideas and theories.

South Asia Conference

South Asia conference is our yearly event. It is an endeavour of the institute to bring together experts from all south Asian countries and discuss with them issues of contemporary relevance in an increasingly interdependent South Asia.

Since the countries in the South Asian region not only share many features of governance and structures but face similar challenges, the IDSA conferences have attempted to engage policy makers, scholars and grassroots activists to dialogue on key concerns with the objective to achieve sustainable peace and security.

The conference seeks to draw on a cross-section of policy makers, academics, civil society actors and young professionals from the whole south Asian region to provide a platform for shared reflection on issues of common interest.