Defence Economics & Industry


About Centre

India spends a significant amount of resources on its national defence. Efficiency in utilisation of resources is not only an economic imperative but vital for defence preparedness. In view of this, the Defence Economics and Industry Centre was created in 2006 to promote research on various economic aspects of India’s defence. Since its inception, the Centre has undertaken a number of policy relevant studies besides constantly engaging vital stakeholders (Ministry of Defence, Armed Forces and Industry) on a range of issues. The major focus areas of the Centre are:

  • Defence Acquisition
    • Organisational and procedural improvement
    • Offsets
  • Defence Industry
    • Self-reliance in Defence Production
    • Efficiency of Defence Public Sector Undertakings/Ordnance Factory Board
    • Enhancing Private Sector Participation in Defence Production
  • Defence Research and Development
  • Defence Budget


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MMRCA: Counter Point

The range, speed, armament carrying capacity and the ability to accurately deliver a variety of weapons against different targets make the current IAF fleet of just over 32 squadrons far more formidable than when the IAF had almost 39.5 squadrons.