Comment & Briefs

Uri, Surgical Strikes and International Reactions

India’s diplomatic offensive launched post the Uri-attacks provided the broader context in which its decision to carry out the surgical strike needs to be seen.

October 04, 2016

  • Vivek Chadha , Rumel Dahiya , Neha Kohli , Shruti Pandalai
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    Deactivating the Permanent Indus Waters Commission

    It is in India’s interests to continue to adhere to the Treaty provisions and try to obtain maximum benefit by subscribing to it.

    October 03, 2016

  • Gautam Sen
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    The Admiralty (Jurisdiction and Settlement of Maritime Claims) Bill 2016 – The Long Journey of an Important Maritime Legislation

    The Admiralty Bill 2016 has been in the making for nearly 30 years. It will finally become an Act of Parliament during the upcoming winter session.

    October 03, 2016

  • Abhay Kumar Singh
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    Post-Uri Response by India

    What has emerged over the past two weeks is a well calibrated strategy meant to increase the costs for Pakistan of continuing its policy of supporting cross border terrorism as an instrument of state policy.

    September 30, 2016

  • Sumita Kumar
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    China’s One-Road-One Belt Initiative: A New Model of Global Governance

    India should seek to ‘redefine’ OROB to add a strong component for a ‘Digital Asia’, as that is where our comparative advantage lies, and for Asian connectivity to have two nodes, in China and in India, as has been the case throughout history.

    September 29, 2016

  • Mukul Sanwal
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    Cancellation of the SAARC Summit: Has India Succeeded in Isolating Pakistan Regionally?

    The reactions of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and India indicate a new regional consensus that state sponsored terrorism cannot be dealt with only at the bilateral level.

    September 29, 2016

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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    Significance of the Jordanian Parliamentary Election

    The most significant outcome of the Jordanian parliamentary election has been the participation of the Islamic Action Front (IAF), the political wing of the officially banned Muslim Brotherhood. In many ways, this election is a test of King Abdullah’s commitment to electoral reforms.

    September 28, 2016

  • Manjari Singh
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    Coast Guards in the Western Hemisphere – The Dutch Connection

    The Dutch Shipbuilding Company Damen’s success in the Western Hemisphere has important lessons for ship manufacturers who wish to export small and medium sized patrol vessels to the region and elsewhere.

    September 27, 2016

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    DPRK’s Nuclear Provocations and the Indian Response

    India needs to engage more pointedly with South Korea, Japan, the United States and even bilaterally with DPRK to convey its concerns regarding the latter’s strategic cooperation with Pakistan.

    September 27, 2016

  • Jagannath P. Panda
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    The End of an Era in Uzbekistan

    President Islam Karimov’s foremost contribution to the region and the world is to shield Uzbekistan from the onslaught of radical Islam.

    September 26, 2016

  • Skand Tayal
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