Comment & Briefs

Political Upheaval in Brazil

An early and decisive conclusion to the political crisis in Brazil and also a finality in the position of Rouseff vis-a-vis the presidency appear unlikely.

June 28, 2016

  • Gautam Sen
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    PSLV launches 20 Satellites in a Single Mission

    For India, at this point in time, ISRO developing expertise with multiple launch technology is more important from the commercial perspective.

    June 28, 2016

  • Ajey Lele , Tushar Shrivastav
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    India’s NSG Bid – The Way Forward

    Until the next plenary in Switzerland in 2017 or the interim meeting before the end of 2016, India should actively engage with all members and particularly with those who have expressed doubts or raised queries, including China.

    June 27, 2016

  • Ashok Sajjanhar
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    Stopping Illegal Migration from Bangladesh: Need for a Comprehensive Approach

    A comprehensive approach is needed to deal with the problem of illegal migration from Bangladesh. All the affected states would have to adopt a uniform policy, in the absence of which any amount of effort is bound to deliver only partial results.

    June 24, 2016

  • Anand Kumar
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    Membership Expansion in the Nuclear Suppliers Group

    The outcome of the NSG plenary in Seoul is most likely to be the admission of India to the NSG, denial or postponement of a decision on Pakistan’s application, but deferment of both announcements to a later date.

    June 22, 2016

  • G. Balachandran , Reshmi Kazi , Kapil Patil
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    Indian Naval Sales – The Cautious Emergence of a New Supplier

    Should GRSE and GSL deliver satisfactory services to their export customers, there is considerable potential for India to position itself as a competitive supplier of small and medium warships and patrol crafts.

    June 22, 2016

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    Making FDI Count in Defence

    It is rare that a foreign company makes a huge investment to produce major platforms in a third country with a view to make that country an export hub.

    June 22, 2016

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    Why a Central Marine Police Force is not required for Coastal Security

    Raising a Central Marine Police Force and wasting resources on their training and equipment is neither necessary nor advisable given that the country already has a central organisation to protect the coast – the Indian Coast Guard.

    June 21, 2016

  • Pushpita Das
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    Pakistan’s NSG Application

    There is no documentary evidence to substantiate the Pakistani claim that Pakistan had entered into any voluntary safeguards agreement with the IAEA in respect of KANUPP.

    June 21, 2016

  • G. Balachandran
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    Why is NSG Membership important for India?

    India is keen to become a member of the NSG and other export control regimes so as to expand its nuclear power generation and enter the export market.

    June 21, 2016

  • Ashok Sajjanhar
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