Comment & Briefs

Recent Transitions in the Leadership of the PLA Rocket Forces

The leadership transition in the Rocket Forces shows that the service is not only integrating with other services but that its officials are increasingly called upon to other services to facilitate joint training and exercises.

June 06, 2016

  • M.S. Prathibha
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    God forgives, would Google?

    At present, the entire debate on ‘right to be forgotten’ is mainly focused on individual freedom and individual rights. However, it is important to look at this issue from a security angle too.

    June 06, 2016

  • Ajey Lele
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    Integrating Defence Plans with Niti Aayog’s Long Term Vision

    While it may be tempting for the Niti Aayog to make deep inroads into defence planning, it would be wise to focus only on those areas that do not disturb the core function of defence preparedness.

    June 06, 2016

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Assessing Power Transition in Taiwan: From KMT to DPP

    The return of DPP to power is a significant development from the point of view of cross-strait relations and security in East Asia. Given its growing thrust on ‘Act East’, India needs to take note of the political shift in Taiwan and its likely impact at the wider regional level.

    June 01, 2016

  • Prashant Kumar Singh
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    Rebalancing with India

    New Delhi is aware of Washington’s keenness to marshal India as the power that can tilt the strategic balance in Asia.

    May 31, 2016

  • Sarosh Bana
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    Time to Rejuvenate the India-Russia Partnership

    India and Russia are natural allies. It is in the interest of both countries to have vibrant relations. The responsibility for this devolves upon Modi and Putin.

    May 30, 2016

  • Ashok Sajjanhar
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    Perception matters against Left Wing Extremism

    Winning hearts and minds through the Civic Action Programme (CAP) and the Media/Perception Management Plan is an important element in combating LWE propaganda.

    May 30, 2016

  • Mathew Sinu Simon
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    Obama in Hiroshima: Betwixt spoken and the unspoken

    His words might fall short of assuaging all but his visit to Hiroshima is a testimony of Obama being a leader of substance.

    May 30, 2016

  • Preeti Nalwa
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    Problem of Fishermen in India-Sri Lanka Relations

    India should play a proactive role in assisting Sri Lanka in the fisheries sector and in creating conditions in the Palk Bay for the fishermen of both countries to exploit the respective fishing potential amicably.

    May 20, 2016

  • Gautam Sen
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    Jerusalem Calling

    Modi visiting Jerusalem would be a re-affirmation of India’s diplomatic ability to pursue multiple national interests by manoeuvring between countries who have difficult or non-existent relationships among themselves but who share important relationships with India.

    May 20, 2016

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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