Comment & Briefs

Bugbears in MoD Guidelines on Handling of Complaints

The MoD guidelines on handling of complaints do not seem to be free from potentially crippling afflictions. Conceptual ambiguity can easily defeat the purpose of the guidelines.

October 26, 2015

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Malabar-2015 and Power Dynamics in the Asian Commons

    As India reorients its maritime posture to cater to the new realities of Asia, there is a realisation that regional maritime stability is increasingly susceptible to growing power imbalances.

    October 23, 2015

  • Abhijit Singh
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    The ‘Road’ to Success for the “Silk Road Initiative” is via Aerospace

    For China, the Belt and Road initiative is a long-term strategy designed for it to assume a bigger role in global affairs through the business route. Various aerial and space-based platforms will play an important in making this strategy successful.

    October 21, 2015

  • Ajey Lele
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    Publishing Official Military Histories

    We recommend that the histories of the 1965 and 1971 wars be revised, updated and reprinted as proper official versions with the correct title and logo.

    October 16, 2015

  • P. K. Gautam , Rana T.S. Chhina
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    29th Plenary Meeting of the Missile Technology Control Regime and India’s Membership

    Expediting India’s membership process would be a win-win situation for both India and the MTCR. The prevailing uncertainty will end for India and the MTCR will get an effective and positive member.

    October 16, 2015

  • Rajiv Nayan
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    Indo-US Defence Cooperation: Harvesting Defence Technologies

    There are no laid down procedures for procurement of technology per se. Existing procedures relate to procurement of equipment, weapons systems, platforms and other tangible capabilities.

    October 13, 2015

  • Amit Cowshish
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    INS Kochi and the ‘Big-Warship’ Debate

    Nothing conveys strategic intent as effectively as the large conventional warship whose mere presence can provide a decisive psychological advantage in strategic scenarios.

    October 09, 2015

  • Abhijit Singh
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    The Need for Haste on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir: China Pakistan Economic Corridor Needs a Counter Strategy

    An India-China Silk Route Corridor could have multiple advantages for both countries without at the same time compromising their security concerns.

    October 07, 2015

  • P. Stobdan
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    Russian Military Intervention in Syria

    Will the action of Russia make it easier to find a negotiated political agreement on transition among Syrians? Most unlikely.

    October 06, 2015

  • K. P. Fabian
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    Sri Lanka: Would a Domestic Judicial Mechanism Deliver Justice to the Tamils?

    International oversight in the form of a panel of judges and the UNHRC mechanism in general are likely to help address the apprehensions of the Tamils about a domestic investigation mechanism.

    October 06, 2015

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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