Comment & Briefs

‘Make in India’ in Defence Sector: An Overview of the Dhirendra Singh Committee Report

While making a host of recommendations, the Dhirendra Singh Committee has been cautious in assessing their impact on the domestic industry.

September 16, 2015

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    Sri Lanka at a Crossroads: Need to Win the Peace

    What the country needs is goodwill and support from all stakeholders inside and outside to move the reconciliation process forward and build on the peace, and all at the right pace.

    September 16, 2015

  • Shamsher M. Chowdhury BB
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    The Jeremy Corbyn Phenomenon in Britain

    Corbyn’s mandate includes popular support from many centrist and left-of-centre citizens, apart from a substantial number of traditional Labour Party members.

    September 14, 2015

  • Gautam Sen
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    Europe’s Refugee Crisis

    As political and military solutions to the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan are nowhere in sight, the refugee crisis in Europe is not going to disappear in a hurry.

    September 09, 2015

  • Gulshan Sachdeva
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    The Rajapakse Factor after Sri Lanka’s Parliamentary Elections

    Notwithstanding the UNP victory, Rajapakse and his supporters will continue to wield substantial influence within and outside parliament.

    September 07, 2015

  • Gautam Sen
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    Parliamentary Elections (2015) in Sri Lanka: Explaining UNP’s success and the Challenges Ahead

    It was almost certain that the United National Front for Good Governance coalition would outperform the United People’s Freedom Alliance in Sri Lanka’s parliamentary elections.

    September 04, 2015

  • Gulbin Sultana , Ashok K. Behuria
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    China’s Victory Day Celebrations: Politics of War, Memory and Legitimacy

    Japan is in denial mode about its role during World War II while China is attempting to gain legitimacy for its regional ambitions by leveraging the memory of its suffering in that war.

    September 04, 2015

  • Avinash Godbole
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    India a Credible Actor on Climate Change

    Often criticised as an obstructionist or stubborn negotiator, India now holds considerable credibility as a leader when it comes to climate change related pledges.

    September 03, 2015

  • Satyam Malaviya
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    Hacking + Securities Fraud = New Face of Insider Trading

    Hacker groups have turned their attention to stock markets not just to disrupt operations but also to trade and make financial gains.

    September 02, 2015

  • Ajey Lele , Munish Sharma
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    India-Egypt Relationship: Looking for a new Momentum

    Egypt under President Gamal Abdel Nasser and India under the leadership of its first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru were the torchbearers of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Their commitment to socialism also kept both the leaders and countries drawn towards each other.

    September 01, 2015

  • Prasanta Kumar Pradhan
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