Comment & Briefs

Ensuring Peace in the Northeast

The internal security situation in the North-eastern states is complex. It requires people with in-depth knowledge of the terrain, society, politics and culture and history of insurgency in the region to be placed in positions entrusted with the handling of affairs.

June 11, 2015

  • Rumel Dahiya
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    John Kerry’s visit to Sochi: The new dynamics of Russia-U.S. engagement

    The new contours of a Russia-U.S. engagement appear to be shaping up. There is a growing realization in the U.S. that treating Russia as an adversary can be counter-productive.

    June 11, 2015

  • Rajorshi Roy
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    Notun Projonmo-Nayi Disha in India-Bangladesh Relations

    While heralding a new era in building regional connectivity, the Modi government has taken what was a warm relationship with Bangladesh to a new high.

    June 11, 2015

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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    The Ambush in Manipur: New Dimensions to Militant Violence in the Northeast

    Obtaining Myanmar’s help to counter covert Chinese connections with insurgent groups like the UWSA and by extension with anti-India militant groups such as the NSCN (K) is important for long term stability in the Northeast.

    June 11, 2015

  • Namrata Goswami
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    Ammunition for the Indian Army: C&AG Rings Alarm Bells

    MoD will have to make sure that no weapon system is purchased unless an arrangement is made for sustained supply of ammunition, not necessarily through the OFB.

    June 09, 2015

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Controversy over Lipu-Lekh Pass: Is Nepal’s Stance Politically Motivated?

    Nepal claims that the Lipu-Lekh Pass, which was mentioned in the India-China joint statement of May 15, 2015, is a disputed tri-junction in which Nepal has an equal share.

    June 09, 2015

  • Nihar R. Nayak
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    Ammunition for the Indian Army: C&AG Rings Alarm Bells

    MoD will have to make sure that no weapon system is purchased unless an arrangement is made for sustained supply of ammunition, not necessarily through the OFB.

    June 09, 2015

  • Amit Cowshish
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    India’s Stakes and Dilemma in SCO

    Joining SCO could help India get out of the current tight geopolitical spot - wedged between a wall of Pakistani hostility and fear of cooperating with China.

    June 08, 2015

  • P. Stobdan
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    The Islamic State and the United States

    It is difficult to figure out the basic motivation of US policy. It might be sheer inability to decide or it might be the desire to lend support to the progressive realization of the 1982 Yinon plan.

    June 08, 2015

  • K. P. Fabian
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    Decoding China’s Military Strategy White Paper: Assessing the Maritime Implications

    China’s new military strategy as it applies to the Indian Ocean is not a matter of a minor shift in the balance of maritime power, but one that impacts India’s capacity and will to impose a deterrent cost.

    June 02, 2015

  • Abhijit Singh
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