Comment & Briefs

The Lightning from Greece Strikes Germany

If Greece defaults and walks out, the EU will be in crisis. Speculators will go for Spain and the EU will not be able to find the money to bail out a large economy such as that of Spain.

January 30, 2015

  • K. P. Fabian
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    Islamic State and Social Media: Ethical Challenges and Power Relations

    The IS frequently releases graphic videos of, for instance, beheadings, on social media. Once these videos surface, an ethical debate arises about the sharing of violent imagery and how these social platforms should deal with the situation.

    January 23, 2015

  • Tuva Julie Engebrethsen Smith
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    Rejig of Defence Budget 2014-15?

    If reports about the diversion of INR 13,000 crore from the capital segment of the defence budget to the revenue heads are true, it is an indication of the growing strain on the revenue budget.

    January 23, 2015

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Sheikh Hasina’s Secular Political Approach

    Sheikh Hasina has to ensure that the writ of the Awami League central leadership runs throughout the country, and elements like the Chhatra League are not allowed to derail accommodative and secular policies.

    January 23, 2015

  • Gautam Sen
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    The Chinese Dream 2015: Which Way Is It Heading?

    Xi Jinping has already recognized the inevitable by stressing that China would adjust to the ‘new normal’ of lower growth and, to ensure stability, he has already cracked down on dissent and strengthened media control measures.

    January 17, 2015

  • R. S. Kalha
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    Military Courts in Pakistan: A Soft Coup by the Pakistan Army?

    Why is the Pakistan military pushing for Military Courts when the country already has a fairly robust Anti Terrorism Act together with designated Anti Terrorism Courts set up specifically to try terrorism related offences?

    January 14, 2015

  • Arun Sahgal
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    Did the Chinese Model of Growth Defeat Rajapaksa?

    During the Rajapaksa years, Sri Lanka experienced jobless growth, similar to the experience of many African countries where Chinese investment had increased exponentially in the last decade.

    January 12, 2015

  • Avinash Godbole
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    A Season of Political Protests in Bangladesh

    It is not clear what kind of democracy the BNP wants to restore in alliance with the Jamaat which does not believe in democracy. But the AL needs to proceed with caution in dealing with the ongoing protests lest it comes to be seen as an autocratic government.

    January 12, 2015

  • Anand Kumar
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    A New Era in Sri Lanka’s Politics?

    Sirisena will be expected to restore both the institutional checks and balances which saw an erosion as a result of the 18th Amendment to the constitution and the faith of minorities in the pluralistic character of Sri Lankan society.

    January 12, 2015

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik , Rumel Dahiya
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    Meeting the Maoist Challenge

    In the wake of the Sukma attack, it is apparent that the CPI-Maoist's weather- and surrender-induced operational frailty is a matter of the past.

    January 08, 2015

  • Gurmeet Kanwal , Bibhu Prasad Routray
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