Comment & Briefs

Sifting Through the Himalayas

Prime Minister Modi has to think beyond the immediate circle and leverage the Himalayas as a bridge for India reaching out to wider Eurasian space the access to which has blocked by Pakistan. A way out could be to promote a regional market across the border, woven by a web of spiritual and commercial interests.

August 14, 2014

  • P. Stobdan
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    Indo-US Cooperation in Defence Production: Hagel’s visit to India

    There now seems to be greater recognition of India’s concerns on transfer of technology and not just about co-production but also co-development of next generation weapons. The larger objective for India, however, must be to reduce its dependence on import of foreign equipment and modernize its armed forces in the quickest possible timeframe.

    August 13, 2014

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Déjà vu in Pakistan: Army overpowers Nawaz

    The army has quite patiently allowed Imran and Qadri to carry on with their protests and create a political condition unfavourable enough for Nawaz Sharif to approach the army for help. Thus like in 1993, Nawaz is feeling the heat even if the opposition is not united in their effort to dislodge his government.

    August 08, 2014

  • Yaqoob-ul-Hassan
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    Competitive politics over illegal migration from Bangladesh

    Realising the electoral significance of the issue the Congress seems to be engaging in a competitive politics with the BJP by talking of giving citizenship to even those migrants who came to India after 1971 but were persecuted in Bangladesh.

    August 08, 2014

  • Anand Kumar
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    Beijing’s APEC Call on India: A New Twist in India-China Power Politics?

    While India needs to vigorously pursue its endeavour for APEC membership, it is crucial for the policymakers to comprehend the geo-political allusions of this Chinese invitation, which is linked with India-China ties as well as their balance-of-power politics in Asia-Pacific.

    August 05, 2014

  • Jagannath P. Panda
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    Is Russian ready to face the Afghan fallouts?

    Russia seems both happy as well as worried about US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Concerns about Central Asian security apart, now with the sectarian strife in West Asia flaring up, the Russian anxieties would heighten about possible spread of ISIS type assertion along its southern belt.

    August 05, 2014

  • P. Stobdan
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    Post-Crimea: Central Asian Fear Putin’s Stick

    There is a growing sense that Putin, after what he did to Crimea, has prepared a fine blueprint for similar intervention in Central Asian states should it become a necessary case for protecting Russian interests in these countries.

    August 04, 2014

  • P. Stobdan
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    Is Putin Gearing Up for Intervening in Asia Next?

    In a three part series the author analyses Russia's strategic play. In this first part, the recently held military "snap inspection" drill by Russia involving 65,000 troops is examined and significantly the intent and purpose behind it.

    August 01, 2014

  • P. Stobdan
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    ZARB-e-AZB: Phony War or Paradigm Shift

    For all the grandstanding by the Pakistan army and the civilian government that Op Zarb-e-Azb was going to be against all kinds of terror groups based in NWA, no such thing seems to be happening. Clearly, this operation has been launched keeping an eye on the post-2014 situation in Afghanistan.

    July 31, 2014

  • Sushant Sareen
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    Indian Army’s Modernisation Plans: Call for Pragmatism

    The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence’s figures reveals that the army's equipment modernisation is steadily falling. In 2008-09, the army spent 27 paisa of every rupee on capital expenditure. This fell to 24 paisa in 2009-10; 23 paisa in 2010-11; 20 paisa in 2012-13 and just 18 paisa in the last two years. Resultantly the army’s ambitious plans to transform from a ‘threat-based to a capability force’ by 2020 are being consistently thwarted.

    July 31, 2014

  • Arun Sahgal
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