Comment & Briefs

Debating the Doctrine of Military Intervention

The emerging doctrine of intervention is built around the ability of the international community, mainly the US-led western alliance, to impose its collective will in order to restore a deteriorating situation or to prevent a nascent conflict from burgeoning into full blown war with wider ramifications.

September 13, 2013

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    Implications of New States in the Union of India

    Creation of new states is likely to undermine India’s polity and governance and consequently the socio-economic progress. Cost-benefit analysis suggests that only in some respects the newly-created states have performed better.

    September 12, 2013

  • Gautam Sen
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    Come November in Nepal…

    The transitional politics in the Himalayan Kingdom has entered choppy waters with the breakaway radical faction of the Maoist party vowing to disrupt the election to a new constituent assembly slated in November this year.

    September 09, 2013

  • Post Bahadur Basnet
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    The Great Gas Game over Syria

    New energy find in West Asia will set forth new political equations. Syria alone has discovered huge proven gas, oil and shale reserves. Whether the Assad regime survives or a change of regime happens there would determine the global gas system in a large way.

    September 09, 2013

  • Gulshan Dietl
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    How has the West responded to ‘gassing’ in West Asia?

    It is not so much because of the use of chemical weapons that will unleash US fire-power, but the fact that the Assad regime might be winning the civil war in conjunction with its Iranian and Hezbollah allies.

    September 04, 2013

  • R. S. Kalha
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    China-India Joint Military Drill: Time for a Review

    Joint military exercises hold strategic relevance but India must consider seriously that despite the Annual Defence Dialogue mechanism and joint training exercises, incursions in the border regions have increased over the years.

    September 02, 2013

  • Jagannath P. Panda
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    Indian Airpower Afloat

    The Indian navy has long aspired for a true blue water capability and the aircraft carrier project is a critical part of safeguarding India’s maritime interest that includes providing security along the sea lanes of communication.

    September 02, 2013

  • Vivek Kapur
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    Vietnam-US Rapprochement: A New Phase

    Vietnam’s president Sang’s visit to the US is historic in many ways and promises to bring in a new era of partnership through active trade relations and strategic alliance as a counterweight to China.

    September 02, 2013

  • Rahul Mishra
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    Arrest of Yasin Bhatkal: An Analysis

    The arrest of Bhatkal, head of the Indian Mujahideen, highlights the measures taken by security agencies including improved coordination in different states to apprehend a number of terrorists in the last few years.

    September 02, 2013

  • Anshuman Behera
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    Northern Sea Route: Humming with Activity

    As the ice thins in the Arctic, the commercial feasibility of the northern sea route is increasing rapidly. Five years ago there was no activity; this year about 1.5 million tonnes of cargo will be transported through the NSR.

    August 27, 2013

  • Arvind Gupta
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