Comment & Briefs

Transformation of Tibet Issue from Hope to Despair: What Next?

Despite nearly a hundred persons having immolated themselves over the last few years, these events have passed by without much notice, let alone reaction.

February 12, 2013

  • Yeshi Choedon
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    Bangladesh War Crime Trial: The Surprise Second Verdict

    The verdict against Abdul Quadir Molla by the War Crime Tribunal 2, which sentenced him to life, came as a surprise to many given the graveness of his crime.

    February 12, 2013

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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    Cinema and Strategic Culture

    As India celebrates a century of its cinematic culture, there is a need to elevate its quality and role to complement India’s power profile and socio-cultural aspirations.

    February 12, 2013

  • A. Vinod Kumar
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    Aero India: A Non-Expert View

    India’s power in the next round of politics among nations will stem not simply from the latest purchase of military goods, but also from the manner in which it has amassed them.

    February 11, 2013

  • Srdjan Vucetic
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    Defence Budget 2013-14: An upcoming tight spot

    The prospects of allocation for the next year being less than the allocation for the current year are remote because of the immense implications it would entail, although it is likely that the growth in the budgetary allocation for the next fiscal may be less than what has been the case in the past.

    February 11, 2013

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Managing India’s Missile Aspirations

    The Agni-VI and Prahaar both signify unnecessary missile projects, which have been developed in the interests of DRDO technical and bureaucratic ambitions rather than the stated interests of India’s nuclear doctrine.

    February 10, 2013

  • Frank O’Donnell
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    Shining Not so Bright: Solar Energy in India

    According to a recent report, India will need 3, 128 Trillion watt hour per year (TWH) of electrical energy in the future if it adopts a frugal policy for energy use. This annual need could be met through renewable energy sources alone in the form of solar power (photovoltaic [PV] and thermal), wind, and hydroelectric power. But is this change in energy mix really feasible?

    February 10, 2013

  • Eshita Mukherjee
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    Conflict in Mali and French Intervention

    The recent French intervention in Mali comes almost after a year of turmoil in the country. Mali needs to achieve an internal political process which will strengthen the government’s mandate and provide economic security and sustainable development to the country.

    February 08, 2013

  • Melissa M. Cyrill
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    Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk’s Visit to India: Towards an Assuring Alliance

    Given Bhutan’s strategic significance India needs to respond sensitively to its Himalayan neighbour so as to create further goodwill for the long term.

    February 01, 2013

  • Medha Bisht
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    A Missile in the Monkey’s Shadow?

    Iran’s investments in space should not be viewed only through the narrow prism of a nuclear threat but as a nascent attempt to challenge the West’s technological domination.

    January 31, 2013

  • Ajey Lele
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