Comment & Briefs

Cooperation Between Indian and Myanmar Armed Forces: Need to Move Away from a Weapons & Equipment Supply-Based Relationship

While India has supplied arms and equipment quite selectively to Myanmar, the outcome, which was expected to serve India’s interests, has not been commensurate.

January 15, 2013

  • Gautam Sen
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    China to Survey Disputed Marine Territories for Natural Resources

    China seems to have made this move to strengthen its claim to disputed marine territories by conducting “surveys” which a country normally does in its own territory.

    January 11, 2013

  • Bijoy Das
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    New Egypt’s Democracy Woes – Challenges for President Morsi

    It is only when and if the three authorities – legislature, executive and the judiciary – interact and work in tandem with one another can effective and inclusive governance begin and Egypt’s flailing economy sputter back to life.

    January 10, 2013

  • Melissa M. Cyrill
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    The Aggressor Will Always Get Away

    Instant, hard and yet calibrated military, diplomatic and political response is needed since mere warnings and protestations have proved grossly inadequate to change Pakistan’s behaviour.

    January 10, 2013

  • Ramesh Phadke
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    The UN Internal Review Panel Report and Sri Lanka’s Urgent Need for Accountability

    With the release of the United Nations Internal Review Panel Report in November 2012, the deteriorating human rights situation in Sri Lanka has once again captured the attention of the world.

    January 09, 2013

  • Thiruni Kelegama
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    India’s New Science Policy is about Innovation

    STI 2013 envisages the creation of a word-class infrastructure for R&D and skill development as well as encouraging the scientific community by providing adequate opportunities and better career options.

    January 09, 2013

  • Ajey Lele
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    Contribution of the Indian Armed Forces to the Second World War: Book Release and Panel Discussion

    The contribution of the Indian Army to the victory of the allied forces in the Second World War is immense. Unfortunately, this has not been sufficiently highlighted. The younger generation needs to be reminded of the sacrifices made by their forefathers.

    January 08, 2013

  • IDSA
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    Is the Return of Shinzo Abe Good News for India?

    With Abe taking a nationalistic stance and confronting China over the Senkakus, India-Japan cooperation could suffer since it does not seem to be in India’s interest to confront China.

    January 08, 2013

  • Adrien Frossard
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    The Delhi Incident and China’s Information vs Security Paradox

    The CCP is so concerned about stability and peace that the only way it thinks it can continue in power is by controlling what the Chinese people read and listen to.

    January 08, 2013

  • Gunjan Singh
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    Democracy in China: A Debate

    Rule of Law means displacing the CCP from its paramount position. Historical evolution suggests that the new system has to be either liberal democracy or a system with a Chinese nomenclature but with a liberal essence.

    January 07, 2013

  • Prashant Kumar Singh
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