Comment & Briefs

Brinkmanship over the Padma Bridge

The World Bank’s decision to withhold funding for the Padma Bridge embarrassed a government that has been doing reasonable work especially in checking extremism at a time when radicalism is sweeping many parts of the world.

October 19, 2012

  • Anand Kumar
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    Who started the fighting?

    Let us examine the facts as they are, to see if the Chinese contention of a counter-attack to throw Indian aggressors out has any merit or, as India believes, it was nothing but a premeditated attack by China.

    October 17, 2012

  • R. S. Kalha
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    The 1962 War: Will China speak about it?

    A global power like China must not hesitate to acknowledge its historical mistakes: it needs to have sufficient self-confidence to withstand the consequent discomfort and embarrassment.

    October 16, 2012

  • Jagannath P. Panda
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    The 1962 War: Will China speak about it?

    A global power like China must not hesitate to acknowledge its historical mistakes: it needs to have sufficient self-confidence to withstand the consequent discomfort and embarrassment.

    October 16, 2012

  • Jagannath P. Panda
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    Corruption in Administration: Evaluating the Kautilyan Antecedents

    The significance of Arthasastra for the issue of corruption in contemporary times lies in Kautilya’s realisation that corruption in government is inevitable but can be combated through a set of strict measures

    October 12, 2012

  • Tarun Kumar
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    Cooperation is the key to manage the India-Bangladesh Border

    That cooperation between neighbours can pave the way for resolving issues relating to the management of shared borders is amply demonstrated by the outcomes of various bilateral interactions that took place between India and Bangladesh in recent months.

    October 12, 2012

  • Pushpita Das
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    Is Arab Spring Part-2 Unravelling?

    Just when it seemed that the Arab Spring was almost over and the region was entering a phase of political transition, a flurry of developments in the first week of October 2012 has brought the region back into focus.

    October 12, 2012

  • Agarwal, Rajeev
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    Indian Army: Internal Challenges In Capability Building And Retention

    The Army, being the largest service and fielding the largest array of equipment, needs to improve its own processes by carrying out an internal analysis and taking effective steps to speed up the procurement process.

    October 11, 2012

  • Rumel Dahiya
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    Some takeaways from the Budapest Conference on Cyberspace

    Even as imagined and real cyber security threats scale new heights, the story coming out of the recently concluded Second International Conference on Cyberspace in Budapest was one of a widening gulf between countries, notwithstanding the stated intent of bridging differences through dialogue.

    October 11, 2012

  • Cherian Samuel
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    What the Chinese White Paper Says on Diao Yu Dao? An Opportunity to Revisit the Issue

    This Issue Brief presents the historical and legal debate surrounding the dispute and in the process underscores the inconsistencies and weaknesses in the Chinese claims.

    October 10, 2012

  • Prashant Kumar Singh
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