Comment & Briefs

Sectarian Strife in Gilgit Baltistan

The spate of killings has unleashed fear and uncertainty among the people and there is an open outcry about the government’s inaction and inability to control the situation.

May 21, 2012

  • Priyanka Singh
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    Russia’s Destiny is now in Putin’s Hands

    Although Russia plays a weak hand due to structural problems in the economy and several deficiencies in the political and social order, Putin will try and leverage Russia’ substantial advantages—energy being one of them—to Russia’s advantage.

    May 21, 2012

  • Arvind Gupta
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    Political Instability Could Derail the Growing US-Bangladesh Relationship

    The elevation of its bilateral relationship with Bangladesh allows the United States to counter China’s ‘String of Pearls’ strategy.

    May 21, 2012

  • Anand Kumar
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    Maoists’ global web of linkages

    All Indian Missions abroad need to closely monitor international communist groups to counter the propaganda campaign that they unleash from time to time and refute their false claims.

    May 19, 2012

  • P. V. Ramana
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    Addressing Indian Dilemmas on the Arms Trade Treaty

    Among other intertwining issues, what continues to disturb the Indian establishment is the non-inclusion of non-state actors as likely recipients of illicit arms which, in the Indian experience, is crucial and on which the Chairman’s paper remains silent.

    May 15, 2012

  • Prashant Dikshit
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    India’s Counter Terrorism Policies are Mired in Systemic Weaknesses

    India’s intelligence co-ordination and assessment apparatus at the national level and counter-terrorism policies remain mired in the days of innocence.

    May 14, 2012

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    Indo-Pak Relations: Peace Paroxysms Strike Again

    Instead of taking leave of its senses every time someone from across the border coos sweet nothings, India needs to set metrics by which to judge Pakistan and then take steps to reciprocate any positive measures from the other side.

    May 14, 2012

  • Sushant Sareen
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    India and the US: Squaring the Circle on Iran

    Attempts by India and the US to square the circle on the nature of India’s energy cooperation with Iran have hit high gear in the aftermath of Clinton’s visit.

    May 10, 2012

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    India and the US: Squaring the Circle on Iran

    Attempts by India and the US to square the circle on the nature of India’s energy cooperation with Iran have hit high gear in the aftermath of Clinton’s visit.

    May 10, 2012

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    Applying Failure Mode, Effects And Criticality Analysis (FMECA) for Ensuring Mission Reliability of Equipment

    FMECA of equipment is an effective scientific tool to identify the assemblies, sub-assemblies and components that are critical for the satisfactory performance of equipment.

    May 08, 2012

  • Mahendra Prasad
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