Comment & Briefs

Kim’s Russia Visit: Evaluating Diplomatic Currency

It is apparent that both Russia and North Korea are seeking diplomatic currency. But so long as North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme remains an unresolved issue, Russia’s plan for a trans-Korean gas pipeline, however mutually beneficial that may be, is likely to remain unachievable.

November 09, 2011

  • Rajaram Panda
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    Queering the ‘Pitch’ of Pakistan Politics

    At a time of such monumental, even existential, challenges, if all that Pakistan can come up with is a vacuous demagogue like Imran Khan, then its future is pretty bleak.

    November 08, 2011

  • Sushant Sareen
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    Ukraine’s Flirtation with China and Russia’s Quest for a Eurasian Union

    Ukraine has resisted Russian attempts to draw it into a closer political and economic embrace and has instead explored a closer association with the EU, NATO and even China. Recent developments indicate a turnaround in the Ukrainian attitude and may portend a closer relationship with Russia and the CIS states.

    November 04, 2011

  • Smita Purushottam
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    Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan: A Feeble Attempt at a Regional Solution

    It will not be fair to assess the success or failure of the Conference at this stage. The fact that there was an attempt to forge regional cooperation on Afghanistan was a positive but feeble step.

    November 04, 2011

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik , Arvind Gupta
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    Nepalese PM’s Visit to India: “Qualified Success”

    Prime Minister Bhattarai’s visit will definitely help in dispelling some of the mistrust between India and the Maoist regime in Nepal.

    November 04, 2011

  • Anshuman Behera
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    Political Cost of PM Bhattarai’s India Visit

    The visit gave an opportunity to both India and the Maoists to settle some of their misunderstandings. However, it could be a huge risk for India to engage him more at the individual level than at the party level.

    October 31, 2011

  • Nihar R. Nayak
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    Gaddafi’s Death: Mission Accomplished!

    One monarch less is good, the mission has been accomplished and whatever else is happening in Libya is just mundane.

    October 29, 2011

  • Preeti Nalwa
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    The Manipur Blockade: Symptom of a Crisis in Desperate Need of Resolution

    Barely a year after suffering two months of road blockade by Naga groups, Manipur is in the throes of a similar crisis again. What Manipur is in desperate need of is a resolution of the crisis."

    October 28, 2011

  • Namrata Goswami
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    Prime Minister Bhattarai’s Visit to India: Renewing Ties in a Critical Transition Phase

    Bhattarai’s visit was historic not for the bilateral issues that were discussed but because it provided an opportunity for meaningful re-engagement between India and the UCPN(M).

    October 25, 2011

  • Padmaja Murthy
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    A Consideration of Sino-Indian Conflict

    There is considerable interest in a possible conflict with China. However, little discussion exists in the open domain on conflict possibilities. This Brief attempts to fill this gap by dilating upon conflict scenarios along the spectrum of conflict. It brings out the need for limitation to conflict and the necessity for a grand strategic approach towards China as against a military driven one.

    October 24, 2011

  • Ali Ahmed
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