Comment & Briefs

Japan-South Korea Spat over Takeshima/Dokdo

If allowed to fester, the territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea will have serious repercussions for East Asian security.

August 10, 2011

  • Shamshad A. Khan
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    A Case for Increasing FDI up to 100 per cent in India’s Defence Industry

    Given the sensitivity attached to defence-related FDI, each investment should be subject to wider review and impact analysis following which the FDI percentage could be determined varying between zero and 100 per cent.

    August 09, 2011

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    Diversion of the Brahmaputra: Myth or Reality?

    Lower riparian countries must develop sound strategies to bring China to the negotiating table with a view to stopping it from further damming or diverting the waters of the Brahmaputra or any other river originating in Tibet and flowing into South Asia.

    August 09, 2011

  • Hari Bansh Jha
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    Unrest in Xinjiang

    It remains to be seen how far China is able to manage the challenges of providing space for religious and cultural freedom while enabling equitable economic development for all ethnic groups.

    August 09, 2011

  • Rukmani Gupta
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    Human Trafficking: In Search of a Comprehensive Response Strategy

    A multilateral framework of regional cooperation, human rights based strategy, addressing the root causes and a higher priority for the issue in foreign policy are necessary to comprehensively deal with the challenge of human trafficking.

    August 05, 2011

  • Shristi Pukhrem
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    The Bandwagoning-Balancing Game: Contradictions of the India-US Partnership

    In a world where US primacy will remain a distinctive feature for a considerable time to come, India will require American global leadership to realise its own national interests.

    August 05, 2011

  • Yogesh Joshi
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    India-RoK Ties in the Wake of President Patil’s Visit

    The significance of the India-RoK nuclear deal lies in the fact that it allows India to tap into ROK’s nuclear expertise and it takes the pressure off the India-Japan nuclear deal.

    August 04, 2011

  • Rajaram Panda
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    Breivik’s Interest in Anthrax and Religious Extremism

    The history of the use of biological agents by non-state actors indicates that radical groups, religious fanatics and even disgruntled scientists have engaged in bioterrorism

    August 02, 2011

  • Ajey Lele , Gunjan Singh
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    Increasing Normalisation of the Turkish State

    With the resignation of the service chiefs and Erdoğan’s consolidation of control, Turkey has taken a huge step towards political normalization and consolidating its democracy.

    August 01, 2011

  • Rumel Dahiya
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    The Indian Navy Chief’s Visit and Indo-Russian Defence Cooperation

    Given the legacy of defence cooperation and ongoing projects, Russia will remain for the foreseeable future India’s major defence partner.

    July 29, 2011

  • Amit Kumar
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