Comment & Briefs

Naga Peace Negotiations and the NSCN (IM)’s Significant Shift in Posture

The NSCN (IM) leadership's acceptance of Indian passports reflects a significant shift from its earlier political posture of an independent sovereign Naga homeland.

February 02, 2011

  • Namrata Goswami
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    Disarmament’s ‘Lost Decade’

    The paralysis at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) captures the state of affairs that has bedevilled the field of arms control/disarmament during the last 10 years.

    February 02, 2011

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    Hu Jintao’s State Visit to the United States: An attempt to put the Sino-US narrative in place

    While the Chinese president’s trip concluded with a joint statement and the signing of trade and investment deals, it achieved little in terms of addressing pressing global problems and bilateral issues.

    February 01, 2011

  • Jagannath P. Panda , R N Das , Priyanka Pandit , Vidya Krishnamurthi
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    India in Afghanistan: Engagement without Strategy

    India needs to engage countries in the region to ensure that the transition process in Afghanistan does not threaten regional stability.

    January 28, 2011

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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    Managing the 3Ms of Military Readiness

    Money, manpower and material (3Ms) determine a state's capacity to leverage its hard power for fulfilling its national security objectives.

    January 28, 2011

  • Harinder Singh
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    How to look at President Hu Jintao’s US Visit: Détente or Stalemate?

    Primarily because of the uncertainties surrounding US-China relations, the Hu-Obama summit ended in a stalemate with both leaders agreeing to disagree on important matters.

    January 27, 2011

  • Avinash Godbole
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    A Critical Review of Defence Procurement Procedure 2011

    In the absence of reforms in several areas, DPP-2011 may not be able to achieve its stated objectives of expeditious procurement and greater involvement of domestic industry in defence production.

    January 25, 2011

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    India and Indonesia: Trade and Investment Complementarities

    To maximise gains from their bilateral relations, India and Indonesia have to tread a middle path - a mix of furthering economic complementarities while competing to attract foreign investments.

    January 25, 2011

  • Rahul Mishra
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    Forging India’s Hard Power in the New Century

    The changing security environment calls for re-fashioning the use of hard power, which may have to be managed differently in the future.

    January 24, 2011

  • Harinder Singh
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    India-Indonesia: Towards Strategic Convergence

    President Yudhoyono’s visit is likely to take the strategic partnership to the next level.

    January 24, 2011

  • Pankaj K Jha
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