Comment & Briefs

The “Cheonan” Fallout: Erosion of Confidence

The Cheonan assault has revealed to South Korea that the threat from North Korea is still ominous and capable of delivering unexpected damage.

June 07, 2010

  • Preeti Nalwa
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    Escalation of Tensions in the Korean Peninsula and China’s Role

    The one country that has not condemned North Korea’s role in the sinking of the Cheonan is China, which has its own strategic and economic compulsions to back North Korea.

    June 01, 2010

  • Rajaram Panda
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    Why Coal Matters in India?

    Issues pertaining to coal mafias, coal unions and its politics ought to be addressed if any meaningful reforms or cuts in coal consumption are to be made.

    June 01, 2010

  • Prashant Hosur
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    India’s Future Aircraft Carrier Force and the Need for Strategic Flexibility

    India has long striven for a three carrier fleet comprised of one carrier battle group stationed on each seaboard, and a third carrier held in reserve.

    June 01, 2010

  • Iskander Rehman
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    India’s Cold Start Doctrine and Strategic Stability

    Cold Start is a good doctrine from India’s point of view, but one that could adversely impact strategic stability given since Pakistan’s nuclear strategy is premised on countering Indian conventional military superiority with a nuclear shield.

    June 01, 2010

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    Taiwan’s Unending Dialogue over ECFA

    The fundamental ideological difference between the KMT and DPP supporters makes the debate on ECFA more complicated than it needs to be actually, with a peculiar intermix of politics and economics.

    June 01, 2010

  • Jagannath P. Panda
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    Learning from Times Square: Socialising the Counterterrorism Approach

    Since safeguarding the public space such as mass transportation networks, financial and industrial hubs from sporadic acts of terror is increasingly becoming difficult, socialising citizenry in democratic societies to the needs of counterterrorism assumes salience.

    May 31, 2010

  • Harinder Singh
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    Israel’s Nuclear Opacity and New Challenges

    Given the rapidly evolving situation in West Asia, and the growing danger of new threats like nuclear terrorism, it would seem that the time has come for Israel to come clean on its nuclear arsenal.

    May 28, 2010

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    ‘Terrorism Abandonment’ [DDR] as a Key to Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Future

    Unlike ‘hard’ measures, ‘soft’ ones can succeed in softening the hearts and minds of even hard-core terrorists, especially when they are disillusioned, longing for a normal life, and want to exit from terrorism.

    May 28, 2010

  • Bilveer Singh
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    Peacekeeping Partnerships: Cooperation or Conflict

    This paper seeks to understand the nature of cooperation between the UN and other IGOs in ongoing conflicts. It will examine the security framework in which these multilateral arrangements were created, the gaps they were trying to cover, and the problems and areas of opportunities.

    May 24, 2010

  • Mayank Bubna
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