Comment & Briefs

The Hard Lesson of Chintalnar

The hard lesson of Chintalnar is that the police are simply not investing enough in their frontline leadership and training to tackle the situation. Even when attempts have been made to bring in competence, the efforts to acquire required counterinsurgency skills have been marginal.

May 10, 2010

  • Harinder Singh
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    China to Supply Two Nuclear Reactors to Pakistan: How will China Convince the NSG?

    The first step for China to formalise the deal is to inform the NSG member countries of its plans to export two reactors to Pakistan or seek relaxation for the future supply of reactors.

    May 07, 2010

  • Ch. Viyyanna Sastry
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    Food for Thought: Optimising Defence Spending

    While India’s latest defence budget has no doubt catered for a sizeable capital component, it may be prudent to reduce costs by switching to more affordable programmes.

    May 07, 2010

  • Ramesh Phadke
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    SAARC at 25: Time to Reflect

    Instead of taking up new areas in its summit declarations, SAARC should focus on trade, connectivity and security and the need to develop a regional identity. Only a regional identity will generate a regional approach.

    May 07, 2010

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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    The message from mock battles

    Even though the respective military exercise held by Pakistan and India are about handling of respective offensive reserves, the message that emerges is that their employment is best avoided.

    May 07, 2010

  • Ali Ahmed
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    Anti-Naxal Operations: Employment of Armed Forces

    Whereas employing Armed Forces may appear to be an attractive idea to control the naxal menace, the adverse effects of their long term commitment, particularly of the Army, need to be understood.

    May 04, 2010

  • Rumel Dahiya
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    Advantages of including Munitions Items in the SCOMET List

    Unless the SCOMET list includes munitions items, and is harmonised with the Wassanaar Agreement list, India will be unable to get the full benefits of international commerce in defence goods.

    May 04, 2010

  • G. Balachandran
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    Iran and the NPT RevCon 2010

    While the United States charges Iran of being in non-compliance with its NPT obligations, Iran points out that the United States and other NPT nuclear weapon states are in non-compliance of Articles IV and VI, among other provisions.

    May 04, 2010

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    Maoists in Delhi: Is the Police Prepared?

    The Maoists have formed a State Committee comprising six members to spearhead the movement in Delhi, and it has been in operation at least for the past four to five years.

    May 03, 2010

  • P. V. Ramana
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    A Salami Slicing Solution

    Under the deal that was worked out in the back channel, the LoC would have remained a de facto and not a de jure border, something that would keep alive Pakistan's irredentist claims over Jammu and Kashmir.

    May 03, 2010

  • Sushant Sareen
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