Comment & Briefs

How India and the United Kingdom can Cooperate on Nuclear and Radiological Security

India and the United Kingdom, as nuclear weapons states, have much to gain from, and much to contribute to, a strengthened regime for nuclear and radiological security.

April 12, 2010

  • Rajiv Nayan , Ch. Viyyanna Sastry , Wyn Q. Bowen , Ben Rhode
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    Nord Stream takes shape: A big victory for Russia

    The Nord Stream Project will further strengthen Prime Minister Putin’s vision of positioning Russia as a major power in the world.

    April 12, 2010

  • Arvind Gupta
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    Thailand’s Recurrent ‘Colour’ Protests

    The central question is whether democracy or semi-democracy should be subordinated to the personal ambitions of a few leaders like Thaksin or should the rule of law prevail.

    April 12, 2010

  • Pankaj K Jha
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    Tackling Naxalism: Post-Dantewada

    If naxal activities have to be stopped, the government must act firmly even if they have to be neutralized by the selective use of the armed forces including the Indian Air Force.

    April 08, 2010

  • K C Dixit
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    End Game on Iran’s Nuclear Intransigence?

    With the possibility of ‘smart’ sanctions in the near future and muscular US military moves in the Persian Gulf, the grids for the end game on Iran’s nuclear intransigence are getting strengthened.

    April 07, 2010

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    A Year of Multi-Party Democracy in Maldives

    The Maldives is well on the road towards a genuine democracy and the years to come will show how it manages modernisation, liberal democracy and Islam all together.

    April 06, 2010

  • Anand Kumar
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    Bhutan in 2009: A Retrospective View

    The formal coronation of Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk as the fifth King of Bhutan in November 2008 concluded the first wave of democratization in Bhutan.

    April 06, 2010

  • Medha Bisht
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    An Assessment of Insurgencies in Assam, Manipur and Nagaland in 2009

    The North East of India has been plagued by insurgencies since independence in 1947. Most violent amongst the armed movements had been the Naga National Council in the 1950s and today the NSCN (IM).

    April 05, 2010

  • Namrata Goswami
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    Getting Ready for a Hot Summer

    The defence minister is indeed correct that ‘sacrifices’ would have to be made but this time India should offer that privilege to the Pakistani Army.

    April 05, 2010

  • Ramesh Phadke
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    Google China ‘Warfare’: Turning a non issue to win-win strategy

    If freedom of expression was the issue then other American internet service companies like Microsoft and Yahoo! should have also exited China along with Google.

    April 05, 2010

  • Gunjan Singh , Avinash Godbole
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