Comment & Briefs

Testing Times for the Japan-US Alliance: “Secret Pact” Revealed

Notwithstanding revelations about the secret nuclear pact, the Japan-US alliance is likely to remain strong and the East Asian security order will continue to be determined by the American presence

March 16, 2010

  • Rajaram Panda
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    Japan unveils existence of a secret nuke pact with the US

    The disclosure of this agreement is aimed at scoring political points as well as addressing the discontent among the nuclear allergic Japanese who want adherence to the non-nuclear principles in letter and sprit.

    March 16, 2010

  • Shamshad A. Khan
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    The 51st Anniversary of the Tibetan Struggle: What is the future?

    China has to accept that the long term solution to Tibetan discontent lies in granting greater autonomy to Tibetans instead of pursuing assimilation oriented policies.

    March 12, 2010

  • Gunjan Singh
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    Contradictory Tendencies in the India-China Relationship: Does it help the bilateral relationship?

    Contradictions in India-China relations provide the rationale for greater engagement exactly like it has done in the case of US-China relations.

    March 10, 2010

  • Avinash Godbole
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    The Challenges of Asymmetric Warfare

    While the asymmetrical threat will have an effect on warfare at strategic, operational and tactical levels, the threat will be most dramatic at the operational level.

    March 09, 2010

  • K C Dixit
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    The Naxal Muddle – of Intellectual Haze, Governmental Clarity and Operational Realities

    The Naxal challenge is a wake up call to rejig our internal security instruments and restore their organizational ethos, autonomy and operational credibility.

    March 09, 2010

  • Raj Shukla
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    AfPak dialectics can work in India’s favour

    If Pakistan succumbs to American pressure, it will continue to be engaged in a long war of attrition on its western borders. If Pakistan resists American pressure, it will be isolated in the world and the international community will have to fall back upon India to put a firewall around the AfPak region.

    March 08, 2010

  • Sushant Sareen
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    Pakistan against signing the NPT as a non-nuclear weapons state

    In a fundamental shift in its position on the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, Pakistan has made it known that it will join the NPT only as a recognised nuclear weapons state.

    March 08, 2010

  • Ch. Viyyanna Sastry
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    Another Pakistan-based Terror Group Exposed in Bangladesh

    The latest arrests underline the lack of cooperation among security agencies in South Asia and the support base that exists in Bangladesh for terrorist groups.

    March 04, 2010

  • Anand Kumar
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    Forging a Strategic Partnership with Saudi Arabia

    India and Saudi Arabia are entering into a long term strategic partnership that encompasses political, economic, scientific and cultural relations.

    March 04, 2010

  • Prasanta Kumar Pradhan
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