Comment & Briefs

The Case for Mercenaries in Africa

Despite the concerns surrounding the use of mercenaries, they remain an indispensable force on the African continent, so much so that they have been welcomed by governments, and grudgingly even been accepted by NGOs, international organizations and civilians.

February 16, 2010

  • Mayank Bubna
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    The Imperative of Modernising Military Communications Systems

    Modernisation has been grossly inadequate in the field of command, control and communications systems that link the ‘shooters’ and ‘sensors’ together to achieve synergy through network centricity and effects-based operations.

    February 16, 2010

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    Tension in the Korean Peninsula escalates again

    The delicately maintained peace in the Korean peninsula once again looks fragile in the wake of the war of words and exchange of artillery fire along the disputed western sea border in January 2010.

    February 15, 2010

  • Rajaram Panda
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    Cross-LoC Confidence Building Measures between India and Pakistan: A Giant Leap or a Small Step towards Peace?

    The report examines the reaction of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to various cross-LoC contacts that have been initiated by India and Pakistanwhich is an important bilateral Confidence-Building Measure (CBM) between India and Pakistan. This report also analyses the problems and prospects of opening of other routes.

    February 12, 2010

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik , Arpita Anant
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    Renaissance of Russia’s Foreign Policy in 2009

    Russia has considerably enhanced its international position by leveraging Western weaknesses stemming from the unwinnable war in Afghanistan and the adverse impact of the financial crisis, as well as Western dependence in dealing with Iran and North Korea.

    February 11, 2010

  • Arvind Gupta
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    Global Warming, Environmentalism and Related Issues: The Other View

    The sloppy work of the IPCC in noting that Himalayan glaciers will melt by 2035 has raised many questions, with even the credibility of scientific opinion coming under doubt.

    February 11, 2010

  • P. K. Gautam
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    US Arms Sales are propping up Pakistan as a Regional Challenger

    India is justified in seeing the US move to go ahead with the sale of the F-16s as an attempt to balance America’s strategic partnership with India by once again propping up Pakistan as a regional challenger.

    February 11, 2010

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    A Perspective on Regional Air Power

    In light of the build up of Pakistan’s and China’s air power capabilities, India has little choice but to complete its procurement as quickly as possible if the IAF is to be ready to face a conventional conflict.

    February 10, 2010

  • Ramesh Phadke
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    The Ozawa Phenomena in Japanese Politics

    Ozawa’s clout, power and influence remain formidable and he is likely to remain an active player in Japanese politics.

    February 10, 2010

  • Rajaram Panda
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    Missing: An Obama Foreign Policy

    Obama has crafted an administration that has a Clinton brain inside an Obama face. Clinton I lost Russia for the West. Clinton II aka Obama I is on track to lose India.

    February 08, 2010

  • M. D. Nalapat
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