Comment & Briefs

Hefajat-e-Islami and the Politics of Islamism in Bangladesh

The street power of the ulema groups in Bangladesh is pushing the government to further Islamise the social sphere, which will pave the way for the ultimate political success of the Islamists.

December 11, 2020

  • Smruti S. Pattanaik
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    Targeted Killings: How Precedents can Become Practice

    Executing extra-territorial targeted killings to eliminate inimical people bent on wrecking death and destruction on Indian nationals and interests is an option India may explore more vigorously, within the confines of international law.

    December 10, 2020

  • D. Padma Kumar Pillay
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    Iraq under Mustafa Al-Kadhimi: Turning Over a New Leaf

    Since taking over as the Iraqi prime minister in May 2020, Mustafa al-Kadhimi has blended pragmatism with caution while dealing with significant domestic as well as external challenges.

    December 07, 2020

  • Prabhat Jawla
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    France Counters Islamist Radicalisation

    In the aftermath of Samuel Paty’s beheading, France is taking measures that seek to reverse the processes through which individuals become ‘terrorists’. If successful, other countries could emulate such policy interventions in their own counter-radicalisation efforts.

    December 04, 2020

  • Adil Rasheed , Savini Mehta
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    US Elections 2020 and the Cybersecurity Challenges

    It is critical to reduce the risks associated with cyber-enabled elections by ensuring end-to-end verifiability, protection of voter database, managing risks to the election infrastructure and curbing the menace of disinformation.

    December 03, 2020

  • Debopama Bhattacharya
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    Labour Sector Reforms in the GCC and Challenges for Indian Expatriates

    GCC countries are taking measures to nationalise the labour force, which is adversely affecting the Indian expatriates across all sectors. Even as India is getting equipped to tackle the return migration, the creation of a comprehensive database will help better manage the crisis in the long run.

    November 27, 2020

  • Lakshmi Priya
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    Realigning America’s Grand Strategy: Biden Will Have His Hands Full

    Biden has set an ambitious agenda to reinvigorate US global leadership by pursuing a proactive grand strategy. He will, however, have to reckon with the legacy of Trumpism that has made a significant imprint on American foreign policy.

    November 27, 2020

  • A. Vinod Kumar
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    Post-Abe Japan’s Ties with the United States

    Despite change in leadership in Japan, the new Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide looks set to continue the policies of his predecessor, Abe Shinzo. Both domestic and external factors may affect policies.

    November 24, 2020

  • Abhijitha Singh
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    Decoding Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020

    The Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020), which supersedes the Defence Procurement Procedure 2016 (DPP 2016), is a sincere effort by the Ministry of Defence to improve the capital procurement procedure.

    November 20, 2020

  • Amit Cowshish
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    The Forgotten Fact of “China-Occupied Kashmir”

    There is a need to widely disseminate China’s insidious role as an illegal occupier of Kashmir’s territory, including its territorial grab in the trans-Karakoram tract, in order to raise public awareness of the issue – both in India and at the international level.

    November 13, 2020

  • Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy
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