Comment & Briefs

Need For a Proactive Policy Towards Bangladesh

Given the assertive foreign policy followed by China and the desperation of Pakistan after the abolition of Article 370, India has to follow a proactive foreign policy. It is only India’s proactiveness that can keep both China and Pakistan in check in Bangladesh.

September 18, 2020

  • Anand Kumar
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    Increase in FDI Cap Alone Not Enough for Defence Sector

    Raising the FDI limit by itself may not enthuse the foreign investors as per the expectations. To make the defence sector more attractive for foreign investment, a whole lot of other related issues will have to be addressed by the government.

    September 14, 2020

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Abe Shinzo: Japan’s Visionary Statesman

    Abe Shinzo made his mark as an astute statesman in international politics with intellectual bandwidth and a global vision to conceptualise grand strategic constructs such as the Free and Open Indo-Pacific anchored on universal values.

    September 03, 2020

  • Titli Basu
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    In Defence of Non-alignment

    The era of non-alignment provides immense insights on how visionary leadership seeking to influence international politics could develop ideational frameworks to propel the grand strategy of their choosing.

    September 02, 2020

  • A. Vinod Kumar
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    Why Fewer Indians Have Joined ISIS

    Unlike other parts of the Muslim world, spanning North Africa to Southeast Asia, that have remained under the theological and cultural influence of Arabia, India has been able to develop its own versions of Islam and holds its own against West Asian influences.

    August 31, 2020

  • Adil Rasheed
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    The UAE-Israel Agreement: A Step Towards Peace?

    The normalisation of relations between the UAE and Israel is a historic development and a step forward in the rapprochement between the Arab Gulf and Israel.

    August 21, 2020

  • Md. Muddassir Quamar
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    Rewiring Japan’s National Security Strategy in Post-COVID Indo-Pacific

    With Chinese unilateral efforts altering the maritime status quo on the one hand and lack of progress on denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula on the other, Japan is revisiting its strategic options.

    August 20, 2020

  • Titli Basu
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    India and Mexico: Celebrating 70 Years of Diplomatic Relations

    India and Mexico can jointly push for an effective response to international terrorism, reforming the multilateral system, and the adoption of a comprehensive approach to promoting international peace and security.

    August 20, 2020

  • Ruchita Beri
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    Israel and UAE: From Tacit Cooperation to Full Diplomatic Ties

    Formal diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE, two of India’s critical strategic partners, is indeed a welcome development.

    August 18, 2020

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    Impact of Embargo on Defence Imports

    It would be helpful if MoD issues a formal order addressing the concerns expressed by various stakeholders about certain aspects of the negative list, especially its impact on projects that involve foreign OEMs and the purpose of bifurcating the capital budget.

    August 14, 2020

  • Amit Cowshish
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