Comment & Briefs

New Delhi’s Options Post the Publication of the NRC in Assam

The best way forward for India is to initiate talks with Bangladesh and seek a mutually acceptable political solution for the issue of illegal immigrants.

August 02, 2018

  • Pushpita Das
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    India’s Quest for Recognition

    India’s quest for being recognized even as a regional power, let alone a global power, requires a balanced and simultaneous growth of its economic and military capabilities.

    July 25, 2018

  • Deepak Kapoor
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    China’s Hydro Ambitions and the Brahmaputra

    The upper riparian China is uniquely positioned to influence the flow of Yarlung Tsangpo/Brahmaputra into lower riparian India. In the absence of a water sharing treaty, the Chinese decision to build more dams on Yarlung/Brahmaputra and continued evasiveness on its long-term plans would remain an issue of major concern for India.

    July 23, 2018

  • Shreya Bhattacharya
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    Unpacking UK Combat Air Strategy

    The UK Combat Air Strategy unveiled on July 16, 2018 can actually be termed as the Combat Aircraft Industry Strategy. India, with a nearly non-existing aircraft industry, can benefit by understanding the key rationales underpinning the CAS.

    July 23, 2018

  • Kishore Kumar Khera
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    Iran Sanctions: India’s Options

    Given that Iran accounts for around 10 per cent of India total oil imports, the immediate factor for New Delhi will be to look at various options to deal with the situation without jeopardising its energy security.

    July 12, 2018

  • Shebonti Ray Dadwal
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    Curbing Fake News

    Eradicating the fake news problem calls for a collective effort of individuals, governments, social media and content platforms, and innovative technology solutions.

    July 11, 2018

  • Munish Sharma
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    Averting India’s Fall into a Geopolitical Trap

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a foreign policy course-correction after realising that the strategic tilt towards the United States has not only grossly upset India’s geopolitical image but also undermined national interests.

    July 06, 2018

  • P. Stobdan
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    India and the UAE: Progress towards ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’

    The way forward for New Delhi is to seize the momentum and develop a strategic partnership with the UAE to safeguard its core national interests while avoiding regional entanglements.

    July 05, 2018

  • Md. Muddassir Quamar
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    Return of the Persian Puzzle

    While it is necessary to identify and shore up the convergence of interest between India and Iran, it is equally important to recognize differences and pitfalls.

    July 05, 2018

  • P. R. Kumaraswamy
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    Unmanned Trans-Atlantic Journey – A New Beginning

    Will the first-ever trans-Atlantic flight of a Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle change the course of aviation and tilt the balance in favour of unmanned aircraft?

    July 02, 2018

  • Kishore Kumar Khera
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