Lok Sabha
ANSWERED ON 26.08.2013
Question: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to satate :-
(a) whether the Government has drawn up a detailed plan to computerize the management of supply chain of both fresh and dry rations in the Armed forces;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether issues, receipts, inventory management procurements and other aspects of supply chain management would be brought under this system; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?
Answer: Minister of Defence (Shri A.K. Antony)
(a) to (d) Computerisation of the supply chain of both fresh and dry rations have been undertaken as a Pilot Project. It covers all aspects of supply chain management to include estimation, provisioning, accounting, stocking, receipts, issues, Estimated Storage Life (ESL) management, sampling and budgeting.
Defence Acquisition
Defence Economics & Industry