Enhancing Jointness in Indian Armed Forces: Case for Unified Commands

Vijai Singh Rana
Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at IDSA from July 2013 to June 2015 Joined IDSA July 2013 Current Project Jointness in Indian Security Apparatus Background Col Vijai Singh Rana… Continue reading Enhancing Jointness in Indian Armed Forces: Case for Unified Commands read more

The nature of warfare has undergone a major change over the last few decades, brought about by rapid advancement in technologies combined with changes in doctrines and organisational concepts. This has resulted in enhanced focus on integrated and joint operations. Unified structures have been put in place by all major militaries in the world to optimise their defence capabilities. India appears to be reluctant to adapt wholeheartedly to the changing nature of war-fighting despite facing a wide variety of threats to its internal and external security. This article makes a case for establishing unified commands in India to enhance integration and jointness at the strategic and operational levels. In doing so, it examines various available models for implementation in the Indian context. Finally, it suggests a viable model for unified commands for India keeping in mind the geo-political realm and the external and internal threats to its security.

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