Abhishek Tyagi asked: Why did India not opt for full fledged war with China in 1962 using navy and air force to support army operations?

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Reply: In the fiftieth year of the Sino-Indian War of 1962, the Journal of Defence Studies (an IDSA Journal) has put together a Special Issue that analyses the causes of the conflict as well as lessons for the present. The entire Special Issue can be accessed at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/jds/6_4_2012 Also, refer to R. Sukumaran, “The 1962 India-China War and Kargil 1999: Restrictions on the Use of Air Power”, Strategic Analysis, 27 (3), July 2003, at http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/strategicanalysis/The1962IndiaChinaWarandKargil1999_r… Following comments appeared on the subject on the IDSA website: The Two Myths of 1962, By Ramesh Phadke, October 31, 2012http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/TheTwoMythsof1962_RameshPhadke_301012 Who started the fighting? By R. S. Kalyanaraman Kalha, October 17, 2012http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/Whostartedthefighting_R.S. KalyanaramanKalha_171012 Who Started the Fighting—- The Sequel By R. S. Kalyanaraman Kalha, October 28, 2012http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/WhoStartedtheFightingTheSequel_rskalha_2… What did China Gain at the End of the Fighting in November 1962? By R. S. Kalyanaraman Kalha, November 21, 2012http://www.idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/idsacomments/WhatdidChinaGainattheEndoftheFightinG. Balachandran Balachandran..