Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces?

Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces? Kunal Brahma: Why AFSPA is considered a necessity by armed forces?

Reply: Kindly refer to the following IDSA publications on the issue: Vivek Chadha (ed.), “Armed Forces Special Powers Act: The Debate”, IDSA Monograph Series No. 7, 2012 (free download) Ali Ahmed, “Reconciling AFSPA with the Legal Spheres”, Journal of Defence Studies, 5 (2), April 2011 (free download)  K.C. Dixit, “Revoking AFSPA Blown Out of Proportion”, Journal of Defence Studies, 4 (4), October 2010 (free download) K. C. Dixit, “Calling the Army for Peace Restoration”, IDSA Comment, August 23, 2010.  Harinder Singh, “AFSPA: A Soldier’s Perspective”, IDSA Comment, July 06, 2010. Also, refer to earlier replies by Ali Ahmed and K.C. Dixit on a similar/related query posted in this section, at http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/askanexpert/IwantedtoknowaboutArmedForcesSpecialPowersAct and http://idsA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumarin/askanexpert/CrisisoverAFSPA Views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the IDSA or the Government of IndiA. Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumar