

Seminar on Exploring the Roots of India’s Strategic Culture
October 05, 2017

Launch of two books on Arthashastra
January 12, 2017

  • Subrata K. Mitra and Michael Liebig, Kautilya’s Arthaśāstra: An Intellectual Portrait-Classical Roots of Modern Politics in India, Baden-Baden, Germany, Nomos, 2016.
  • Michael Liebig and Saurabh Mishra (eds.), The Arthaśāstra in a Transcultural Perspective: Comparing Kautilya with Sun-Zi, Nizam al-Mulk, Barani and Machiavelli, New Delhi, IDSA, Pentagon Press, 2017.

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International Seminar on Kautilya
April 9, 2014

National Seminar on Kautliya’s Arthasastra
Developing Indigenous Concepts and Vocabulary: Kautilya’s Arthasastra
October 8, 2013

Workshop on Kautilya
October 18, 2012