Adil Rasheed


Dr. Adil Rasheed joined MP-IDSA as Research Fellow in August 2016. Before that, he was researcher and political commentator in various international think tanks and media organizations for over 17 years, both in the United Arab Emirates and India. He was Senior Research Fellow at the United Services Institution of India (USI) for two years from 2014 to 2016, where he still holds the honorary title of Distinguished Fellow. He was Researcher at the UAE’s premier think tank The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) for eight years (2006-14), where, in addition to research and publishing several papers and articles, he interviewed many distinguished international leaders such as former US Secretary of State Leon Panetta, former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Mahathir Mohamed, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, the first Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC in Iraq Hans Blix, former NATO Chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, etc.

Dr. Rasheed is the author of the book ISIS: Race to Armageddon (2015), which explored the so-called Islamic State’s origins, ideology, vision, mission, organization, administration, military strengths and weaknesses, warfare, global outreach, recruitment and the international response to the challenge it poses. The book also covered the implications for India’s security as regards the growing malicious influence of this jihadist group. The first book on the subject from India, it has been a huge draw internationally and is currently available on Amazon and Kindle. Dr. Rashid has also co-edited the book Indian Ocean Region: Emerging Strategic Cooperation, Competition and Conflict Scenarios. Published by the USI in 2015, this book focuses on growing India-China competition in the quest for strategic control of the world’s third largest ocean, emerging scenarios and recommendations for India’s maritime policies.

Research Fellow


India-Saudi Ties: Diverse Patterns of a Design

Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Adil Rasheed’s article on India-Saudi relations, titled ‘India-Saudi Ties: Diverse Patterns of a Design’ was published in February 14, 2019 edition of Outlook.

The article discusses the evolution of India-Saudi Arabia relations in recent decades from a 'energy buyer-seller' paradigm into a comprehensive strategic partnership.

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Global economy: Time to pay the piper

Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Adil Rasheed’s article on global economy, titled ‘Global Economy: Time to Pay the Piper,’ was published on the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya TV channel website on December 30, 2018.

The article discusses the causes and trajectory of the predicted slowdown in global economy by international institutions such as IMF, ECB, OECD etc. for the year 2019, following dismal third quarter (2018) growth recorded in all the major economies and one of the worst performance across all asset classes - stocks, bonds, money markets and property, around the world.

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The determinist discourse: How science moved away from humanism

Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Adil Rasheed’s Op-Ed article on determinist discourse, titled ‘The determinist discourse: How science moved away from humanism’ was published in Al Arabiya website on November 21, 2018.

The article argued that science in the 20th century was quite popular among people around the world. It raised hope of progress for the common man, telling him or her that anything was possible, from space travel to a long and prosperous life. That dream has now come under a cloud, after science started getting associated in the popular perception as a preserve of big corporations and as a problem in itself as it has raised the specter of climate change, nuclear holocaust and mass unemployment (thanks to automation). Today, scientists believe in determinism, focusing more on the metaphysical than the freewill positivism of liberal humanism.

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Identity politics and the threat to individualism

Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Adil Rasheed’s article, titled ‘Identity politics and the threat to individualism’ was published in Al-Arabiya website, Dubai-based news channel, on October 29, 2018.

The article underscores the importance of the liberal ideal of individualism as a bulwark against the rising tide of identity politics, based on the denominations of race, religion, gender, caste, etc.

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