Dany Shoham

Dr. Dany Shoham is a senior researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel and specialises on biological and chemical warfare in the Middle East and worldwide. At Present he is Visiting Fellow at IDSA and his ongoing research focuses on biological weapons, chemical weapons, and related strategic and geopolitical aspects. He holds Ph.D. in Medical Virology from the School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel and has researched and written extensively on the scientific and geostrategic aspects of Chemical and Biological weapons and related issues including terrorism, and geo-strategy in the Middle East and beyond. He has held visiting fellowships at various institutes of repute and extensively participated in international conferences on these issues.
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Visiting Fellow,shoham_d[at]013net[dot]net,+91 11 2671 7983


About the Genomic Origin and Direct Source of the Pandemic Virus

The debate over the genomic origin and direct source of the pandemic virus has intensified due to recent analyses concerning activities that had taken place in Wuhan prior to the initial outbreak and thereafter. Revisiting various aspects which are related to this development appears to be imperative, as certain early indications seem to converge with those analyses, while other recent analyses are contradictory.

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China’s Biological Warfare Programme: An Integrative Study with Special Reference to Biological Weapons Capabilities

This study attempts to profile China’s biological warfare programme (BWP), with special reference to biological weapons (BW) capabilities that exist in facilities affiliated with the defence establishment and the military. For that purpose, a wide variety of facilities affiliated with the defence establishment and with the military are reviewed and profiled. The outcome of that analysis points at 12 facilities affiliated with the defence establishment, plus 30 facilities affiliated with the PLA, that are involved in research, development, production, testing or storage of BW.

Pakistan and Biological Weapons

Pakistan is a state party to the Biological Weapons Convention, yet at least part of its related outward conduct is rather exhibitory, aiming to foster the image of an obedient, sheer science- and protection-oriented profile. Although it is publicly accentuated that an ongoing Pakistani biological weapons (BW) programme cannot be proved, it is fairly clear that some Western intelligence agencies possess classified information that is highly supportive of such an active programme taking place in actuality.