Philip Reid

Archive data: Person was Visiting Fellow at IDSA
Mr. Philip Reid is a Visiting Fellow with the IDSA’s West Asia Centre. His  research encompasses strategic infrastructure initiatives and the broader  connectivity narrative in the Greater Central Asian region. His specific area  of interest at the IDSA relates to the strategic implications of the  International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and the China-Pakistan  Economic Corridor (CPEC).Â
Philip is currently a pre-doctoral candidate at King’s College London  and has recently concluded a service career in the British Armed Forces. Prior  to joining King’s, he read Classical Persian Literature at the School of  Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and has a wider interest in Islamic  languages and culture.
Recent Papers
Qualifying the External Causal Narrative of Structural Change in Qajar  Persia (SOAS, 2017).
An Analytical Account of ‘The Greek and Chinese Artists’ by Jalal-al-Din  Rumi (SOAS, 2017).
Contouring the Zhukovski Model: Anachronism, Khamr and the Saqi in  Classical Persian Poetry (SOAS, 2017).
The Privatization  of State-Owned Enterprises in Egypt and the Lebanon: Outcomes and Constraints (SOAS, 2016).
Visiting Fellow
E-mail: philip[dot]reid[at]kcl[dot]ac[dot]uk
Phone: +91 11 2671 7983


Makran Gateways: A Strategic Reference for Gwadar and Chabahar

The spirit of 'Connectivity', a salient motif in early-twenty first century international relations (IR), has provided an amenable context for a review of geo-determinism in IR theory and the defence of classical geopolitical models as analytical frameworks. No contemporary case study is perhaps more admissible in this regard than the scramble for connectivity leadership in Central and South Asia.