R N Das


Archive data: Person was Senior Fellow at IDSA from June 2010 to August 2014
Joined IDSA
June 2010
China-Hong Kong relations, India-China relations, Chinese foreign policy
Masters in Political Science, University of Delhi, 1979; M.Phil (1984), Ph.D. (1998), School of International Studies, JNU.
Current Project
Engaging China: Security and Strategic Imperatives
Prior to joining IDSA, he was Additional Director in the Research and Information Division of Lok Sabha Secretariat looking after Research, Press and Public relations. He has been associated with a number of publications brought out by the Secretariat. He visited the People’s Republic of China, as an accompanying Officer with the Speaker of the Lok Sabha leading the Indian Parliamentary Delegation in 2002.
Selected Publications
“A Nationality issue: Ethnic Indians in Hong Kong,” in Richard Wong and Joseph Cheng, ed., The Other Hong Kong Report, 1990 (Chinese University of Hong Kong).
“Hong Kong China Relations : A case study of one country, two systems,” China Report, Vol. II, 1993
“Politics of Democratisation in Hong Kong,” International Studies, Vol. 34, October-December 1997.
“Democracy and Development: Hong Kong Paradigm,” Canada and Hong Kong Update, No. 13, Winter 1995.
“British Parliament and citizenship rights of Hong Kong Indians,” Canada and Hong Kong Update, Winter 1992.
Book review of Mark Roberti’s The Fall of Hong Kong : China’s Triumph and Britain’s Betrayal (John Wiley and Sons, 1994) in China Report, Vol. 31, No. 9, October-December 1995.
Publications at IDSA

Senior Fellow
Phone:-+91 11 2671 7983



India’s Defence Preparedness to Face Chinese Challenges

It will not be an exaggeration to say that China poses the major challenge to India’s foreign policy and defence policy – which does not necessarily mean that a potential threat from China is imminent. Far from this, the Sino-Indian border of 3488 kms is by and large peaceful and tranquil, excepting occasional reports of border incursions. There are institutional mechanisms in place to meet any untoward incident on the border. Nevertheless, the security of the country, its territorial integrity and sovereignty warrant military preparedness to cope with any kind of eventualities.


Fresh Impetus to Sino-Indian Relations

The meeting between Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit in Hanoi on 28-29 October has brought about a warming of the atmosphere and may lead to progress in Sino-Indian relations.