Journal of Defence Studies: Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

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Journal of Defence Studies

Deadline for Submission: 15 March 2022

Download Concept Note [PDF]

India has been a founder member of the United Nations that was established on 24 October 1945 and has been consistently contributing to enhance the charter and role of the UN which has evolved much post World War II. It was after nearly eight years that India held the Presidency of the UN Security Council in August 2021. The three key areas of focus during India’s presidency were:

  • Maintenance of International Peace and Security:  Maritime Security
  • Technology and Peacekeeping
  • Counter Terrorism

Among the signature events of its presidency in August, India organised ministerial-level open debates in the UN Security Council. The open debates also provided an opportunity for the Council members to exchange views on the challenges and opportunities arising from the application of technology and innovation in peacekeeping. In keeping with the tradition of providing timely policy inputs, the Journal of Defence Studies is inviting contributions for a special issue being planned to examine India and United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. The United Nations organisation has been conducting peacekeeping operations since its creation and continues to have twelve such missions underway at present. These operations may be viewed for their part in ending or mitigating conflict, facilitating nation-building and stabilising many conflict zones and have ranged from monitoring ceasefire agreements between States to robust peace enforcement against warring factions in disintegrating countries or regions within countries.

India has participated in several of these operations and has played an important role not only as a major contributor of troops but also as a leader of such missions and as a participant in conceptualising and supervising humanitarian relief operations under the auspices of the United Nations. India’s involvement with United Nations began with the Korean War in 1951 which has been one of the success stories of the UN Peacekeeping Operations.

This special issue endeavours to explore and examine UN peacekeeping operations in all their varying facets—from a historical perspective, to the current and future use of technology, from kinetic operations to nation-building and humanitarian relief.

Topics of Interest

    • Military operations in specific zones of conflict
    • Use of airpower and armour
    • The use of technology
    • Perspectives on negotiating ceasefire agreements
    • Past, present and future peacekeeping in ethnic conflict zones
    • Protection of humanitarian aid
    • Nation-building and peacekeeping


Contributors may submit articles/commentaries/opinion pieces to the Associate Editor, Journal of Defence Studies at latest by 15 March2022.

A full-length analytical article should be in the range of 4,000–8,000 words; the word count range for a Perspective/Commentary is 2,000–3,000 words. The contributions will be double blind peer-reviewed following the journal’s standard review process, and the honorarium will be paid for selected articles in keeping with our usual practices.

For further queries, contact:

Ms Madhavi Ratnaparkhi

Associate Editor, Journal of Defence Studies, MP-IDSA

New Delhi-110010

Email:; Landline: +91-11-26717983; Extn: 7231

Guidelines for Contributors

Detailed Guidelines for Contributors can be found here.