Leveraging India’s Maritime Diplomacy

Roby Thomas
Archive data: Person was Senior Fellow at IDSA Cmde. Roby Thomas joined MP-IDSA as Senior Fellow in August 2019. An alumni of the first three year Naval Academy Course and… Continue reading Leveraging India’s Maritime Diplomacy read more

It would have been difficult to visualise the current scenario in Sino-Indian relations just before COVID-19 overtook the world narrative. This was considering the immense political capital poured into the relationship by the Indian government, first at Wuhan in 2017 and then in Mamallapuram in 2019. It might be argued by some that the Doklam incident of 2017 should have been enough for India to wake up and smell the coffee. But then who expected China to be toeing Sun Tzu’s lines on war so resolutely at a time when India was busy rejuvenating the term Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam for a more inclusive world order. This has brought India to an inflection point where all options are on the table.

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Keywords: Maritime Security