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MP-IDSA library is one of India’s finest research libraries with an excellent collection of over 56,000 books covering the areas of national security, defence strategy, military affairs, nuclear issues, strategic technologies, area studies, international relations, conflict and peace studies, terrorism, and related subjects. The library also has a number of reports, databases and bound volumes of 15,000 old Journals. The Library subscribes to over 350 current journals both in print as well as in electronic/online versions and 32 Newspapers. The Library’s resources are extensively used by the Institute’s scholars, members of the Institute, and other external users.

The Library is fully computerized and its catalogue, databases and online journals are all accessible to MP-IDSA researchers on their terminals. On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facility is available on both floors of the Library. OPAC can also be accessed through any terminal on the Campus Network. The collection in the Library can also be searched through Web OPAC.

Digital Library – A digital library with dedicated computer terminals is available for use by members. In addition there are 12 study carrels with wi-fi connectivity having a seating capacity of 48 users.

The Library is spread over two floors in a separate library building within MP-IDSA campus. It is spacious, centrally air-conditioned and wi-fi enabled.