Modernization of Infantry in India

Rumel Dahiya
Archive data: Person was Deputy Director General of IDSA from October 2010 to October 2016 Joined IDSA February 2010 Expertise Net Assessment, India’s Defence and Security Policies, West Asia Education… Continue reading Modernization of Infantry in India read more

Besides equipping the infantry, a serious look also needs to be given to its training. Use of tactical simulators for training commanders up to unit level, support weapons and advanced infantry weapons simulators, driving and communication simulators have to be procured and utilised to train better educated soldiers who will be required to handle more complex weapon systems and equipment in future. More than the shortcoming in educational standards among the soldiers there is a lack of understanding on part of the officers for need to train their command better and mange the time more gainfully. For this to happen the working ethos in the Army will have to undergo a change and senior officers will have to give a lead. Besides, a serious thought also needs to be given to re-organisation of mountain formations to enhance their combat capabilities which have remained unchanged for many decades. They need to be provided with tools for better situational awareness, fire power, command and control, manoeuvrability, better logistics and greater staying power

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