Taskforce Report on Bangladesh

September 02, 2011

New Delhi, September 2, 2011: A task force report titled “India and Bangladesh: Moving Towards Convergence” was unveiled today at the Institute of Studies and Analyses (IDSA). The report highlights the improving relations between the two countries. It holds special significance, as it is released on the eve of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Dhaka.

Written by IDSA scholars, Dr Arvind Gupta, Dr Anand Kumar, Dr Smruti Pattanaik, Dr Sreeradha Datta and Dr Ashok Behuria, the report takes note of the strategic importance of India and Bangladesh for each other. The report argues that the Indian PM’s visit provides an opportunity to take India-Bangladesh relations to a higher trajectory and move towards a strategic partnership. The forward of the report is written by Director General of IDSA, N. S. Sisodia.

The report recommends that the two sides should explore new areas of cooperation on climate change, science and technology, IT and communication, space, remote sensing, medicine and health, disaster management, food and energy security, renewable energy etc.

Bangladesh has taken steps to address India’s security concerns. India has shown sensitivity to Bangladeshi concerns and come out with a comprehensive assistance and cooperation package for Bangladesh. These moves have created the environment for transformation of India-Bangladesh ties.

The significance of strong India-Bangladesh ties goes beyond the bilateral context. Good relations between India and Bangladesh will have positive influence on the region. Regional countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Thailand will benefit from trade and transit connectivity between India and Bangladesh.

The report cautions against complacency. The positive momentum in bilateral relations generated during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit must be continued. The two sides must ensure that implementation of the 2010 joint communiqué is accelerated.

At the same time the report emphasizes that the legacy issues— border demarcation, enclaves, river water sharing etc.— which have bedeviled India-Bangladesh relations should be settled at the earliest possible.

The key recommendations of the report are:

1. The trade deficit of Bangladesh has been a long-standing issue in bilateral relations. Bangladesh, after having cooperated with India in security matters and the landmark visit of Sheikh Hasina, is now looking for a major concession to boost its trade. Though an FTA with Bangladesh is preferable, in the event of its not being realised in short term the government of India can think of making unilateral concessions. It can consider abrogating the negative list or at least make it as small as possible.

2. The legacy issues— demarcation of the land border, exchange of enclaves and adverse possessions, Teen Bigha corridor flyover, etc.— should be settled as a package.

3. Bangladesh would be seeking an agreement on river water sharing. Both countries have nearly reached an agreement on sharing of the water of Teesta and four other rivers. Minor differences should not be allowed to come in the way and an agreement should be signed.

4. Resolution of the maritime dispute is desirable. But given the high stakes for both sides we should wait for the decision of the tribunal and propose the joint exploration of hydrocarbon resources in the Bay of Bengal. Indian companies can also offer technical assistance to Petrobangla.

5. Security cooperation with Bangladesh is commendable. But there is need to institutionalise, it, so that it is not limited to any particular regime. Information sharing, joint patrolling etc. should be given top priority. The US-Mexico model on the joint management of border can be considered.

6. The Sheikh Hasina government has proposed a South Asia Task Force on terrorism. Bangladesh should play a lead role in this. A counter-terrorism centre based in Dhaka can be set up to help the task force,. India could offer to fund the centre.

7. Connectivity should be a top priority. Both countries should work to operationalise it as soon as possible. A public campaign as to why connectivity will be advantageous for the people on both sides can be launched.

8. India should persuade Bangladesh to acknowledge the problem of illegal migration. Both sides should try to create an environment where this issue can be amicably dealt with. Innovative methods like work permits can be considered.

9. Increased connectivity will need to be supplemented by a liberal visa regime to facilitate tourism, student exchanges, cultural contacts etc. However, given security concerns, liberalisation will have to be undertaken gradually.

10. Both countries should establish cooperation in science and technology. The most promising areas are climate change, environment, agricultural research, water management, remote sensing, IT and communications technologies, marine technologies, medicine and health etc. Linkages between appropriate institutions can be established. The focus should be on joint research and capacity building. Both countries should work jointly for meeting the challenge of pandemics and water contaminated with arsenic.

11. Educational links should be strengthened. Indian private universities could organise education fairs in Bangladesh so that more and more Bangladeshi students can use the facilities available in India. To foster academic research, both countries could consider setting up academic chairs in each other’s countries.

12. To redress the trade issues and strengthen economic linkages, both counties should create a suitable enabling environment for investment. In particular, Bangladesh should make special efforts to attract Indian investment.

13. Recently, the Indian army chief visited Bangladesh. Both sides should build on that visit. The two sides can enhance cooperation in the military sphere, including in search and rescue, joint patrolling of piracy infested areas of the Bay of Bengal, capacity building, joint exercises etc. Defence cooperation will build mutual confidence.

14. Just as connectivity has emerged as an important theme in Indo-Bangladesh relations, disaster management, food and energy security could also provide common platform for further deepening the relationship. India could consider extending assistance to Bangladesh for renovating and modernising its power generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure.

15. Both sides are prone to natural disasters including floods, droughts and cyclones. Information sharing, disaster relief, rehabilitation should be high on the common agenda of cooperation. Disaster relief authorities should share their experience and expertise in this area.

16. Food security is a common concern for both sides. Both sides could consider establishing a common food bank to tide over the difficulties. They could cooperate in, food distribution, and grain storage etc to store the crops in surplus years.

17. Fundamentalism and extremism are a shared threat. Both sides should work closely to meet this challenge. A dialogue mechanism involving the governments as well as non-governmental organisations working in the area of de-radicalisation should be set up. The common cultural heritage of the two countries should help in meeting the challenge.

18. Bangladesh shares borders with many Indian states. The government of India should encourage participation of the state governments and people in formulating polices, which would encourage people to people contacts between the two countries. Initiatives taken by Indian think tanks to strengthen track II engagement should be encouraged. IDSA has initiated an oral history project with Bangladesh Heritage Foundation (BHF) to document Bangladesh liberation movement. Further such initiatives should be encouraged.

19. The coverage of Bangaldesh in Indian media is limited. Doordarshan may be encouraged to give greater coverage to all neighbours including Bangladesh. Innovative and interesting programmes may be considered in this regard. This will help promote mutual understanding at the people to people level.

20. In the end, both countries should overcome mutual suspicions and display a practical will to convert their ties into a strategic partnership.