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Erik Seedhouse, The New Space Race: China vs. the United States

In wake of the increasing attention received by China’s space programme, it has been posited by some that a new space race, akin to the space race between the United States (US) and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, has already begun between China and the US. Erik Seedhouse in his book explores the various elements of the space programmes of both countries with a view to assess the
possibility of a space race between them.

Human Resources in Security Sector: An Integrated Model for the 21st Century

The challenge of management of human resources may be the most profound in the security sector in the years ahead given transformations happening globally and enhancement of human potential and opportunities for individual growth. The national security sector extending from the military to private security guards denotes the plethora of skills sets required which vary from that of handling highly sophisticated and lethal missile arsenal, to commandeering large aircraft carriers and submarines to securing public space in metropolitan cities.

Cold Start and ‘The Sehjra Option’

The Cold Start doctrine is an innovative exercise. While Cold Start discusses how to start the campaign, equal thinking needs to attend how to end it. On the conventional level, the learning is that the Cold Start offensives of the integrated battle groups need to be delinked from those of the strike corps. Plausible political aims cannot be visualised that make nuclear risk of launch of strike corps offensives worth running. On the nuclear front, fallout of the scenario considered is on the doctrine of ‘massive’ nuclear retaliation.